Clever Sheep


Well-known member
Hi all; On this website today I have read someone saying that we just have to accept that we are abnormal! ???

I really can't go along with that. I may have my problems, but one thing I have always maintained is that I refuse to compromise my principals or beliefs just to fit in with the crowd.
I think that many of us with SA are really and deeply sensitive people. We feel more and therefore get hurt more easily.
I also believe that we are far more 'self-aware' than other people.

When I read about having to 'accept that we are abnormal', I was reminded of an old Monty Python sketch where a character says; "He's that most dangerous of animals, a clever sheep."

Whilst I have SA and panic about socializing; I do not regret being who I am.
Acceptance does have to play a role. However; accept yourself for who you are. Don't start on the back foot by thinking everyone else is better.
Everyone is different. Those with SA and those without. Plus; many, many people go through lives wearing false faces; just to fit in.

Anyway that's my reaction to being labeled "abnormal". I'd like to hear other peoples views on it.