

Well-known member
I used to be a Straight A student but in 10th grade something awful happened.
I don't know what really happened but I started becomming anti social.
I got nervous when meeting new people, talking in front of the class etc. However, I wasn't nervous hanging out with my friends but their friends that i didnt know sometimes made me nervous.

When I walk through the college hall, I get nervous and think people are looking at me. Somestimes I think I do stupid things etc.

Last week, I did not register for College classes because iam at the point I need help badly. I cannot tell my parents because they will get mad and they bieleve its only shyness.

My dad forced me to register for Chemistry class that has a lab and a discussion.

Is there any form of therapy I can do online or something?


Well-known member
It certainly sounds like you have SA and that being the case, at least you've realised this by coming to this forum.

I would suggest you go to your doctor as soon as possible and tell him that you think you have SA and want help.

I would also suggest that if your parents continue to get heavy with you, you tell them that you have SA, that it is a serious problem that many thousands of people suffer from, that it won't just go away by itself, you can't just "snap out of it", and that you are trying to get medical treatment to help cure it. Show them this website if necessary. You need their understanding and support, not to have them nagging you.

You may also want to try reading up on the net or getting some books about cognitive behavioural therapy (cbt), which is a form of treatment that tries to change the way you think. Perhaps your doctor will mention it and even point you in the direction of a therapist.

And for what it's worth, my SA also started at college and I had the same symptoms as you. Don't feel that you're the only person in the world that has such strange and awful feelings.


Well-known member
My SA started in the 10th grade as well. I am a senior in college and I hate taking classes with discussion (which is usually all the classes I take). I suggest you get help. there is no help online, i guess just researching about SA. I havent recieved any help. Its hard to deal with my SA. I dont suggest drugs but I am starting to think of using drugs because my SA gets worse everyday. just hang in there, take the chem class!


Well-known member
find out if your college (like mine) has a counseling center. it should be free to students and you can get cheap prescriptions should you need them. college is intimidating at first, i'm a second semester freshman but you'll find a way to cope! but most importantly as the others said, find a specialist, there should be one on campus and they can help you


Well-known member
Theres a good online therapy site at

It utilizes Congitive Behaviour Therapy, which involves identifying and modifying your thoughts to be less 'negative' and 'warped' and more 'realistic'. You should find it useful. I did.


Well-known member
The thing is if I tell my family, they will laugh at me and haunt me for the rest of my life. And I'm so embarrased about telling ANYBODY especially the college counselors. I'll check that website you suggested.

I dropped Chem and registered for Physics. Yesterday we had a lab and I was put in a group of 4.
It was very tough to talk to the others. I felt like they though I was retarded and left me out or something.


Well-known member
The thing is if I tell my family, they will laugh at me and haunt me for the rest of my life. And I'm so embarrased about telling ANYBODY especially the college counselors. I'll check that website you suggested.

I dropped Chem and registered for Physics. Yesterday we had a lab and I was put in a group of 4.
It was very tough to talk to the others. I felt like they though I was retarded and left me out or something.


Well-known member
Dude, you have a serious problem. It's having a profound effect on your life. It's not something to be embarassed about telling a doctor. I mean, it's not like you got your dick stuck up a sheep's backside. The doc should know something about the problem and be able to offer advice, medication and perhaps refer you to a specialist.


Well-known member
SecretGuy, you should definately tell the college. Trust me they are there to help you. I told my tutor once and she was absolutely brilliant and made life alot easier. I still dropped out but she later than I would of. I know it's not easy but as a proverb says: "If you do not ask the way, you will remain lost". There is a potential source of help and lets face it we need it.


Well-known member
I dropped out of the Phsyics class. Just couldn't take it after having that group activity. My father was so mad at me and when he asked why i dropped it, i couldnt tell him about my sa so i said that the class was too hard(even though it was EASY AS 123).

Now my father is mad at me and iam sure iam going to get a lecture when he comes home.
I cant tell the college because my sister once told her counselor something and they put her medication and locked her in a mental instution.


If you tell your parents the truth then your father may not be as mad at you. If anything, they should be there for you and provide sympathy and love and support, and help you on your way to recovery. If they dont seem to take that route, then you should tell them thats what they need to do because if they love and care for you thats what they have to do, they are you parents!

When you start being honest with yourself, and accept certain truths, then things start to change, and with SA, these changes are good because they are signs that you want to help yourself and better your situation.