DC vs PC



I use the Idromed DC machine and I can't stand the pain anymore.
I want to try the PC Machine.

I want to ask:
Is it really pain free ?
Is it effective as the DC machine ?

I will appreciate any further info about the PC machine.

it is not pain free i do 30 minutes on 22-25 4 or 5 days a week and there are a lot of holes in my hand that have burned in from the machine. i can tolerate it but many could not

it does work though for me so i will take it


Active member
It's definitely less painful, unless you have cracked skin or cuts. It's also about the same effectiveness.


Well-known member
I have a Hidrex PS and it can be set using either DC or PC. PC is definitely less painful. I wouldn't say that DC is painful, but I get this itchy feeling when using DC which makes 15 minutes feel like forever sometimes. Set to PC it's not bad at all, hardly feel anything.

As for effectiveness, PC works for me so it is definitely working.
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