dionic for underarms


Well-known member
Just received the drionic for underams. Doing the first treatment as we speak. I can't complain about spending 30 mins not really moving because I'm just creeping aroung on the internet anyway. God I hope this works. I've suffered from this for years and years and years and everything from Drysol to Odaban to the prescription stuff has failed me. Thanks to this forum, I found out about ion treatment. I'm going to go ahead and do the full hour because while this is making my arms tingle, it isnt uncomfortible. I will get some baking soda this afternoon from Wal-Mart and make up a water mixture for tomorrows treatment. Will post updates.


Well-known member
I'm at 2.5 hours of the required 7 hours of treatments. I added a baking soda/salt mixture to the water, and man did that make a difference in feeling the shock. However, its still not unbearable. I will post more updates as the treatment progresses, but so far I have not seen any improvement. It does say that the sweating stops abruptly, so I will continue to do the treatments.


Well-known member
just finished hour 5 of treatments. 2 more to go until i am supposed to see results. nothing really as of yet, although i itch like i did when i started using odaban and drysol back when those worked. i will finish out the 7 hours and stop for a couple days and see if it works.


Well-known member
hour 6 complete. there seemed to be less sweating today. not sure, because i wore a long underwear shirt, since it was cooler, and i can pull of wearing it because the stains dont show. tomorrow, will try a t-shirt and see how it does.


Well-known member
allright, so I just finished hour 7 of this treatment. Yesterday I noticed my underarms were in pain, and felt like my lymph nodes were swollen, so I only did the treatment for 30 minutes, followed by 30 more minutes today. Last night, I went to a formal. Got all dressed up in my suit and tie, and all that shit. At first, my underarms sweat like normal, but after a bit, they had dried out. Even when I got out on the dance floor to cut some rug, the only thing that was covered in sweat was my face, which was to be expected, since it was hot as hell in there and there were a ton of people around. My underarms were dry. I'm about to go jeans shopping, which makes me anxious, and I'm going to wear a t-shirt, and I'll see what happens and report back.


Well-known member
my underarms have been sweat free for 3 days now. i didnt even sweat through my shirt when i was out shopping for new jeans.


Well-known member
alright, so yesterday, i found myself slightly sweating. i was in a hot room for a long period of time, so my whole body was sweating. i decided to wait a day and see if it was just from that. so today, i was sweating under my arms, but not as much as "normal." tonight i did a 30 min maintainence treatment. will do another tomorrow. But 7 hours brings me 1 week and 2 days of total dryness. Now i will figure out a maintainence regimen and post back when i get that worked out. to be honest, if i have to use this for a couple hours every week, i can handle that, but expect to soon a thread and photo instructions of how to mod this unit to no longer use batteries.


Well-known member
alright, so last night, i used it for 30 mins on high. i planned to do it again this morning, but i didnt have time. nonetheless, there was no sweat today at all, so im not going to do it again tonight and i will see what happens tomorrow.


Well-known member
so im back to sweating almost like normal. i just wanted to see how long it would be until back to totally normal, if i didnt do any maintainence treatments. it seemed to last a while. so, i'm going to do it again, and then do maintainence treatments at half the time interval that it took me to get back to normal. i will figure out a formula for when to do maintainence treatments and post it.


gg1101 said:
so im back to sweating almost like normal. i just wanted to see how long it would be until back to totally normal, if i didnt do any maintainence treatments. it seemed to last a while. so, i'm going to do it again, and then do maintainence treatments at half the time interval that it took me to get back to normal. i will figure out a formula for when to do maintainence treatments and post it.

Thanks for giving us updates! Can I ask where you purchased this and how much it was? I've had the same problem and used the same products you have and would consider a Drionic as a last resort before botox or surgery, but I wouldn't be thrilled with hooking this thing up all the time. Anyway, I started a thread about getting ready for either botox or surgery, but maybe your results could convince me to try this first. It looks like if you don't do any maintainance it will take two weeks to get to normal? How often do you have to do it to get no sweating? Looks like for you, about once per week?


Well-known member
It was $150US. I ordered it from Drionic.com and I would suggest giving it a shot before an expensive surgery. If you are looking into botox, perhaps you have insurance that will pay for the drionic, as they can bill your insurance. I've found using the same salt/baking soda mixture that I also used in my Neti Pot works well. It burns, but thats the price we pay. 2 parts salt to 1 part baking soda. Dryness will last a couple weeks. I've not done any maintainance treatments in a month and find that sometimes I sweat, sometimes I don't. I really just wanted to see how long this would have an effect on my body. Where initially, I would already be soaked 10 minutes after putting on a fresh shirt.