Do i have OCD?Violent thoughts..

I have frequently thoughts during the day about fighting with someone i know that i don't like and behaved bad to me in past.I have these thoughts for many people.Also i have these thoughts when i see or meet new people.I don't have with everyone.Mostly with people i don't like.I imagine how would be to fight verbally or physically in case of confrontation.Or sometimes if i feel someone is upset with me for something that happened between me and him i imagine situations like he says something to me and then i make up stories in my mind fighting with him in fantastic scenarios.But most of the time nothing bad happens.

In reality i don't fight physically with anyone in my life.But it is true that i get angry easy.I just keep it inside frequently.

Is this any kind of obsession?

Lately i have done the Braverman test for Neurotransmiters and found out i am low in Serotonin and Dopamine mainly.Also found that i am a Axetylcholine nature if that helps.

I take some supplements like fish oil,magnesium,folic acid,b6,vit c,inositol and many others like adaptogens in past but never felt any significant benefit,if any at all !!

Also i have episodes of tension headache the last 3-4 years and when visited a psychiatrist he told me i should take antidepressants.He said i am a perfectionist and asked me if when i leave the house i check the water boiler or the oven if it turned off.I was positive on these questions.

As far as i know these are signs of OCD but i think are very mild for me.I check only once and i am OK.I read about others that check the switches or locks so many times through the day.I do this also with my car.I lock the car and after a couple of seconds i get back to see if it really locked.
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Well-known member
doesn't seem like ocd. at least not a serious case of OCD. however it could be something that could grow. watch yourself and monitor your thoughts. i kept a diary for a while and it helped me understand what i was thinking and feeling. if it gets more serious go to a doctor and get a professional opinion.