Do you guys know why you have agoraphobia?


New member
I know why I have it so im just wondering if anyone else has it because of the same reason as I.
I am pretty certain I have low blood sugar,and that is why I have passed out randomly since I was 5 years old.
Not to often but still very scared,I have been not had panic attacks for 4 years but now I am a driver who is also pregnant,and driving pregnant is scary enough,but not knowing when I could pass out sends me into panic every single time I drive and I have to pull off to the side of the road.
and even when I go into stores,I panic,the only place I dont is if I go to my moms house or if im here at home,im hoping this will all end after I have the baby but for now its very scary,especially since I HAVE to drive everyday.
Yeah, I have it because I have no life skills.
Although I couldn't explain my social anxiety. Even as a kid as far back as I can remember when life seemed "normal" I never got along with others. I was always shy and got picked on for it. Then I guess it just escalated from there to where I am now.


Well-known member
I'm not sure, but I think it could be because of the fact that nearly (if not everything) that scares me is outside. People, noises, etc. It's hard to leave the house when I know that all of my fears are right in front of my face as soon as I open my door.


Well-known member
I can only assume!

I do believe it's a similar situation. Low blood sugar would cause me to panic and faint in the beginning. But my brain, over time, would interpret any degree of hunger or dizziness as, "Oh, you're about to faint, fyi!" and it would happen even if I had been diligent about my food intake that day. I too would have to pull over on the road because of moments like these. So I stopped going out! This is a branch of a preexisting anxiety disorder but that disorder never hindered me to the point of agoraphobia. I could function and pretend to be "normal."