Does anyone else have this problem?


I have problems even being around family. Does anyone else? I feel so stupid sometimes because I can't even have a normal conversation with my brother or sister (and other family members). I feel like they think I'm weird or like i'm just not interested in talking to them when it's not that. I don't understand why I feel so uncomfortable around people I've known my entire life.


New member
I feel uncomfortable being around family, too. I honestly don't get along with my father that much. I feel uncomfortable around my brother like he's a total stranger. My mother and my grandparents are the only people that I feel comfortable around. Forget being around aunts and uncles, and cousins! I'm actually better around strangers than extended family. I think it's because strangers will most likely only see you once. My family when they see me acts like they think I'm nuts. That's why I try to stay away as much as possible. My mother and my grandparents are more understanding.


Well-known member
I get the same way around my family, including my parents, brothers and sisters, cousins, I don't understand it 8O. It's a horrible feeling! Easter supper tomorrow at my parent's house, already trying to dream up idea to get out of it :x


Well-known member
I get the feeling around all humans, including myself. Thing is that these feelings are perfectly normal to me. There's nothing weird going on because I believe they don't care or are the ones that are not interested in me.

I also feel I am not even worth the time to utter a single word because I take almost any response (even a compliment) as rejection. I think they are trying to get rid of me by saying something nice.

Being hypersensitive to emotional hurt results in keeping my mouth shut and creating more reasons not to talk.


Active member
I'm uncomfortable around my dad and oldest brother, but only because I barely know them. They're here but they don't make an effort to know me either. Only my mom and sister know my true self (loud silly etc.) Everybody else sees me as this quiet depressed girl. Yeah and I have never said a word to any of my extended family. It's huge too so Holiday parties are out of the question for me.


Well-known member
im ok with my dad, mum, sister and brother. but i think the only time anyone ever sees me as the real either drunk or high. i hate visiting aunties and cousins. because all the time your there, they watch you and analyse you. then they come up to you and tell you exactly whats wrong with you and what you have to do to fix it. :x for example on friday they were all crapping on about my hair. they were talking as though i wasnt even present. i know my hairs horrible!! i hate my hair! id really like to see them wake up every morning and try to make it look just a little acceptable! :x :x :x !!! ok im done..ill be quiet now.. :oops:


Well-known member
I hate my hair too, but always have to have long bangs and sides, easier to hide under. 8O Never ever pull my hair all the way back, too much exposure!!!!!!!! And sunglasses, always up till dark. I pretty much dress so as not to draw too much attention to myself too, don't like the thought of people looking at me, checking me out, judging, whatever. One time I was a stupid fashion show at family gathering, they wanted me to put on some clothes to model, I snuck out the back door. :evil: