does this have anything to do with ocd?


Active member
sometimes i take a few peices of my hair and if i notice one is thicker than the rest i pull it out. I do this all day mostly when i am sitting i probably pull out 100 peices a day. The weird thing is it feels really relaxing.


New member
I would say no because you enjoy it. If you felt really compelled to do it (as if something bad were going to happen if you didn't), and you wanted to not do this but you felt like you had no control over it.....then it would probably be an OCD thing. But OCD behaviors are not things that people take pleasure out of doing. It's something you feel like you just have to do.


New member
it is called trichotillomania or hair pulling but i'm not sure if its classed as an OCD. i have a similar thing with splitting split ends and brealing bits off my hair but bot actually pulling it out. i have no idea what that is! :?



I have trichotillomania and I have been told it falls under the OCD category. There is more research that needs to be done. I have one particular hotspot on my head where I pull hair and pick skin. I have not been successful in stopping it myself so I think a Cognitive-behaviorial therapist who specializes in trich may be our best bet. I live in a small town and have had trouble finding a specialist.
I feel you might enjoy it because it relieves your anxeity. We do things because their is some type of pay-off even if the results are negative. I have anxiety and notice I get worse when I am stressed out. It has been repetitive and thus that is why they put it under the OCD label.


Well-known member
I wouldnt saw i had OCD but i have a few strange obbessions.

One is, if when im changing the volume of the TV, i never leave it at odd numbers, lol, i always leave it at even numbers. This is something i was doing without noticing, i recently realized that.


Well-known member
If I'm drinking something, I always leave a bit at the bottom of the glass because I don't like drinking the last bit.....that's one thing I've become obsessed with lately