Driving over somebody?


Well-known member
I get the occasional thought when I hit a speed bump, I think I might of ran someone down. Anyone get these fears? I go back and check just to make sure.


Well-known member
I get the opposite, where I very much want to run over a random bystander o_O

Especially cyclists...and people walking with their dogs...


Well-known member
I don't have OCD, but I'm sure I'd have those fears if I could drive because of my anxiety. Maybe not of hitting a person, but of hitting an animal, yes.


Well-known member
I get the opposite, where I very much want to run over a random bystander o_O

Especially cyclists...and people walking with their dogs...

Oh yeah I hate cyclists! They always slow you down and there is nothing you can do about it.


Well-known member
There are so many people who literally walk in the middle of the road where I stay, that I wish i could run over them.::p: Really it's like driving in an obstacle course. And the amount who jay walk and seem to love to make a dart across the road, the very second they notice you coming towards them, is staggering.:mad:


Well-known member
I saw a whole documentary about people who repeatedly stop and get out to check if they've run someone over.
I have not yet learned to drive (I'm 50) because I dread the thought of being in a car with a driving instructor and having to make conversation. I've always thought I'll probably be like that also, if I ever get around to getting a license.