Enough is enough!


Well-known member
Hey, you! Yes, you, you know who you are.

For f**k's sake, why do you feel the need to pick on Crashmodem? The kid is obviously very depressed, and I don't believe for a second that ALL of you here don't relate more to his attitude than you all let on.

I've felt the way he does an awful lot in my life. I approach things a bit differently now, but then again, I've also been on this planet more years than he has. We all must learn, and it takes time. We're not all ready at the same pace.

This is a supportive site, people. If you're sick of the negativity, then you shouldn't be on a site for persons with mental illness. Seriously, now. Don't read his posts if they bother you. Or skip over them when you're happy and read them when you're sad/pissed off. DON'T just type in attacks, as that defeats the whole purpose of this site!! Maybe if you all we supportive, he'd feel a bit better.

And you wonder why nobody seems to post here or reply? Perhaps people are worried that they'll post their honest feelings and get treated the way Crash does.

We've all said things we regret when we're down, and that can offend others. In a place like this we should be trying to look beyond that, to the person writing and how they are feeling.

This has been pissing me off for a few weeks now, but it really came to a head in the religion thread. I think some persons here owe Crashmodem apologies.

That's MY two cents plus tax.


Well-known member
Well, J is absolutely right. We have gotta be more supportive, especially of people here. I guess we all have self esteem that tears easily like a thin piece of membrane, so we are rather "fragile".

(Hi J, just wanna say hullo and let ya know i'm still around. Haha. How are you getting on?)


Well-known member
I totally agree with you! I mean Crash could be very negitive but arent we all? I think he has alot of guts to still post on this site because alot of people are mean to him and i give him credit for that! we are here for support, advice and just to have people to talk to who know what were feeling, if your picking at everything someone says then your on the wrong site! everyone has their own views and beliefs dont bash someone just because you dont agree.


Well-known member
Crash has been on this site for a long time and he's been depressed for a long time. I'm kinda surprised he's still here, what with some people's less-than-helpful comments. It's so, so hard to break out of a depression. While you're in it you think you'll never feel happy again, and nothing can help.
After you come out of a depression, you look back at the stuff you said, and how you felt, and you can't believe it was you. It's not Crash being negative, this is just depression.

P.S. Invalid session my a$$.


Active member
I think everyone can relate to what crashmodem is going through. They have either been through it at some stage or will go through it further down the track. Bagging someone wont make their problems go away just makes them feel worse about themselves. What works for me wont work or someone else, we all need time to sort our problems out.


Well-known member
being an over 50 8O poster, i can certainly say "been there done that" AND i still cant say i'll never be there again. This is a good sounding board and is much needed when we're UP and when we're DOWN. This is a good thread :) in my lowly opnion......


Well-known member
I almost agree with you J....... but it just seems that Crashmodem comes to this forum using it as a place to vent his bitterness more than he posts to seek support.


Well-known member

I suspect that you are correct. However, I suggest that venting is a perfectly legitimate use for this board.

I often see myself in the rants of others. They show me that I am not alone, and sometimes show me the folly of my own similar thoughts. Even writing rants, as I have, is helpful. It is both cathartic and a reality check; putting into cold, logical words my feelings when I'm freaking out helps me to see the error in my thoughts. Crashmodem may well get a similar benefit.

Reading rants has been as helpful to me as the support and advice I've received has been. Social Anxiety Support even has a "Frustration" forum for precisely this.

It can be hard to see another suffer, and seem to not take action to change it. But remember that all we know of Crashmodem is what he posts here; don't think for a moment that any of us "know" him or how he acts offline. We can respectfully disagree; I'm just giving people some things to think about.