Everyone seems to have someone.


Well-known member
everyone seems to have someone, like a good friend, a boyfriend or a girlfriend, which i don't. sometimes i get so dammed discouraged, that i just don't feel like communicating with others.


Well-known member
Hi crash.

I know what you mean.....I do have a spouse who is my soulmate but I often feel very very alone and distant from other people. I have few friends and the ones I do have seem to want something all the time........Im unhappy alone, and sometimes unhappy with people around....go figure!


Well-known member
hi Crash,

I was alone for many many years before I found my mate.......I do know wha lonliness is....and I still know..it follows me around everywhere I go even when people are around......


hi crash,

i understand what you mean. it would be nice to find someone especially if you could confide in them and share your innermost secrets. but what happens when that person is not around. i am married, but yet many times i feel lonely. because my partner cant give me everything i need. he can encourage me and listen and be understanding, but its ultimately up to me to make changes and overcome social phobia.
i think inside of you, you have the strength and the will power to deal with scoial phobia, even without a soul mate. regardless i do hope you find a companion.


I don't have any friends or a boyfriend. I was with a guy for 6 years, but we never even went out on a date the whole time. All he did was leave me with 2 kids. But I just wanted so badly to have somebody in my life that I put up with that. I would have been better off alone.........


Well-known member
I am just through with this whole situation, i have tried lots of things to meet new people, and women, and still don't meet anyone.

i don't know how people find their right person.


Well-known member
you have me as a friend, and all people in this forum can be youre friend too.


New member
I know what u mean, u read my mind!!!

Hey crash, I'm 21 yrs old, going to college, but i just wanted to let u know that u read my mind. I have always felt like the outsider, the one who has no friends. I have always wanted just one person, just one best friend, one boyfriend, anything like that. Throughout my life, I have had a best friend or boyfriend here and there, but it has been so long now since i've had that. I just feel so alone. I do have friends, but i just don't feel like i connect to them the same way i did to others in the past. I just want one person that i can be myself with. Thats all i beg for everyday, it just seems like i never get it though. I have spent so many nights crying to my mother about this and how i want just someone, just that one person in my life, and i don't understand why i can't have that, i'm not a bad person, i don't think i deserve this tourture of being so alone. :(


Active member
I know where you are coming from Crash, I feel that way alot and wish I had a soulmate and friends. You can have lots of friends and be married and yet still feel very lonely. You can be in a roomful of people you know and still be lonely. If you want to find a friend you need to try to treat yourself like you would a friend. As for finding a soulmate you will find one when you least expect it but you need to get out and about for that to happen.