Feeling confident, yet all for naught...


Well-known member
On my last day in one of my classes we each had to give a presentation about a project we had to complete over the semester. Now I personally thought mine was pretty awesome, and I believe I did a good job on it. For the presentation, we had to give a 5-minute talk about it to a small group of students who also had to present their projects to the group.

So I’m walking towards the classroom, just totally normal, thinking: ‘Man this is gonna be awesome! I’m going to blow all of those other peoples projects away! I just sit down; give a little speech, whatever, no big deal.”

Yeah so much for that thinking… >.>

The second I got into the classroom and sat down, my body seriously started trembling, and I felt cold. As the time for the presentations came closer, it just got worse! I do not understand it! It’s like some subconscious stuff or something, because I sure wasn’t in a scared or nervous mindset! And as it went on I just got angry at myself, or more like my body for acting like that. And when it was my time to present I couldn’t talk correctly and my voice was all trembly because my body was shaking so hard.

I was so mad at this!! I went through my presentation, answered some questions, and everything was done and fine! Of course that’s when my body stopped acting totally stupid, after the fact! So yeah, the presentation would have been much better if my subconscious wasn’t scared for some stupid reason!

This has happened before when I have to give a presentation or interview I go to the place totally fine, totally pumped, and then once I get in the door everything falls apart--And I don’t understand why! I mean I can understand being nervous a bit for these situations--but this is just ridiculous!

Any advice on this?


I have the same problem, I think my biggest problem is I forget to breathe. When I'm in those type situations I tend to hold my breath, which only raises my heart rate.. you have to take slow deep breaths before the situation and during, ..this is one suggestion I was told from a therapist but something I have not mastered yet


Well-known member
same exact thing happened to me last friday. i'm usually pretty good in front of ppl and was feeling pretty confident.. until it was my turn to go up. i stood up and went to the front of the class room anndddddddd i swear i blacked out and went on standy-by mode with my mouth just automatically flapping and spitting out words on it's own because i don't remember anything from that point foward. all i know is by the time i was done, i had pit stains almost down to my hips. it was friggin gross.