Feeling depressed


Active member
Well lately I've been feeling down and depressed. I don't know what it is I just can't be bothered with anything!
At school I got put into a new math class with a bunch of people I've never spoke to and I feel really uncomfortable to make matters worse in biology the teacher moved me because of someone misbehaving and I have to sit next to this horrible girl really judges me, I can tell! When the teacher moved me I could have cried! This is the only place I can say these things because when I tell people how I feel they tell me to get a grip, nobody understands how hard it is and I just want someone to actually listen to me for once! ::(:


Well-known member
:( I know how you feel. I think everyone is judging me 24/7 it's living hell in my head. When I was in school, I misbhaved so much I actually got kicked out. You shouldn't let other people make you feel inferior. You have every right to be in that class and to learn. and nobody should make you feel so uncomfortable that you don't want to be there. if that girl is judging you? that certainly says a whole lot about her. but more than likely she is probably is just as insecure. i know this isnt going to help any but 'fake it til ya make it'


Active member
Thanks a lot I just needed for someone to understand, I'm the exact opposite of you though I'm the quiet person who never answers questions, who tries their best not to be noticed and I'm so scared of putting my hand up to ask for help that I just end up failing tests :/


Well-known member
ah, I was by no means outspoken lol. I am as timid and shy as they come and back in highschool I was much worse! When I got kicked out and went to an alternative school things did change a bit for me. Maybe you can explore some different options of schooling for next year?. Are your parents supportive? Please know that their are LOTS of people who feel just like you. Although highschool can be pretty awful you will survive this and be a better person for it.

and I am sorry to the person who mentioned " exploiting" other peoples flaws? I don't see how that would remotely make her situation any better if not worse. Never go that low.