foreign films


Well-known member
does anyone else like these??? i love em and just wondering if anyone has anything good that they've seen. i've seen

maria full of grace
crouching tiger hidden dragon
the motor cycle diaries
house of flying daggers (how cool was the drum and ribbon scene?!?)
and countless cheesy entertaining martial arts movies that my bf's addicted to. he's filipino so maybe it's a testosterone thing?? :roll: :wink: j/k



Ive see crouchin tiger hidded dragon, thought that was really good, really want to see house of flying daggers cos the effects look stunning.Um another good foreighn film i have seen is "city of god", Its about all the gangs in the slums in brazil.


Well-known member
'city of the lost children' is an odd one. think it was made by the same bloke as delicatessen, the same actors are in it. actually they are in a whole string of french movies.


Well-known member
Yeah I really enjoy foreign films too.

I've seen:

crouching tiger
house of flying daggers
city of god <- interesting facts on imdb about that!
photos to send
Il Cyclone
Das boot

No doubt i've forgotten plenty, wanted to see motor cycle diaries but i missed it at the theatres. :x

Haha cheesy martial arts films are cool too, haven't seen many though. :lol:
I guess with SP you do get alot of time to watch things hehe.


Well-known member
three colours, blue, white, red

love how the polish guy goes to paris in a suitcase!!


Well-known member
The Idiots!! thats nuts that movie.

almost filled my pants laughing when they let that idiot drive the bus on the factory tour!!!

maybe that would be a great idea for overcoming SA!!!! form a group like the idiots, then we could draw attention to ourselves but still be hiding behind the idiot facade.


Staff member
I've seen a few of them, I especially like Amelie.

other good foriegn films I recommend:

Il Postino
La vita e bella
Betty Blue
trio colour triology
Das Boot
La Femme Nikita

and recently I have seen the excellent german film 'Downfall' ,its about the last days of Hitler and is compelling viewing


Well-known member
"Amelie" is an amazingly insightful, original and beautiful movie. I recommend it to anybody with a good sense of artistic taste and I recommend it in particular to socio-phobic women. =)


Well-known member
apparently i was under a rock when city of god came out cuz i've never heard of it! but i've got my work cut out for me now, i need to set aside like $60 for blockbuster and a whole day to watch everything. thanks!