getting medicine without showing up on insurance "radar


New member

I have not sought treatment for my OCD since my early college years due to fear of insurance related problems. I now really feel that I need to start on some medicine again.

Does anyone have a recommended way to get treatment without any paper trail to lead back to insurance. I currently have very poor insurance that I pay for myself. I'm looking to avoid 1.) rate increases and 2.) pre-existing condition status in my quest to get better insurance in the future.

Any recommendations? In the past I took prozac which in retrospect did work though at the time I didn't really think it worked.

Thanks for all advice.
Try ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) instead of meds. ACT doesn't have the risk of dangerous side effects. You can buy an ACT self-help workbook at a local bookstore for about $20. I recommend "Get Out of Your Mind & Into Your Life" and/or "Liviing Beyond Your Pain". For some interesting articles on ACT try


Kava Kava herb helps me a lot.I take two capsules before bed and two if I start to become very anxious or compulsive. Just be careful not to overdo it. I've read that in studies that Kava Kava is as effective as Prozac and, like Prozac took about two weeks to start working well. For me, it started to help almost immediately, especially in helping me sleep well. Doing yoga exercises is also helpful because it is almost impossible to think about anything while trying to correctly maintain a difficult pose.