

I was thinking can someone actually be happy and have a good life? you see you neighbors everyday and sure some of them may seem happy they may have a beautiful wife or husband, a great job, good kids. But under all this there lives may be filled with sadness and lonliness. their wife or husband is cheating on them, they work all the time so they never see their kids, their kids are joining gangs and experimenting with drugs ect. So I ask how do we know that their live are much better than ours they may have it worse? What im trying to say is that nobody is truly happy everybody has something in there life thats bad even if they dont admit it but thats just my theory.


Well-known member
i dont know, but in my opinion, at least they have family, a partner,and all that, i dont think ill have that in my life. At least they can do the little things in life, most here cant, example i cant...............go to the barber shop, theater, wait in long lines at the super market, visit ppl i dont know, got to parties, school and soooo many things, and at least those can do all this, soooo i dont think im happier than them, id rather have those problems like most ppl, than have Social Anxiety which is a horrible, horrible problem that is gonna haunt me for the rest of my life, thats the way i see it, but that just me, what do the rest thing??????????