Hate Being Left Alone...


Well-known member
Is there anyone else here who feels anxious when they're left alone?

My husband has had to go to the dentist today, and I'm feeling anxious with him gone. Since he has social phobia too, we usually spend 100% of our time together. The most we've been apart is for a few minutes if he goes to the shop around the corner, or at most an hour or so if he walks our dog if I'm too ill or too anxious to go for a walk (which has happened only 3 or so times this year). Because we live in a village and the nearest dentist is in the city he could be gone for over three hours! When I'm alone I get very anxious... When I get anxious I get very paranoid about my health... for example; if my chest feels tight I feel certain I'm having a heart-attack and I'm going to die, which of course makes me panic more... I know it's irrational - I'm actually very fit and healthy - but I just can't stop the thoughts and the fear.

On top of that I feel bad that he's had to go to the dentist on his own... Since we both suffer we usually support each other, but my agoraphobia returned towards the end of last year, (I'd actually beaten it a few years ago and could go anywhere I wanted - so long as I was with my husband... I couldn't go anywhere on my own...) and whilst I have been fighting it and can manage walks through the local fields, I just cannot go anywhere else yet. *Sigh*

Does anyone else here suffer in a similar way when left on their own?


Well-known member
hi. I am sorry to hear of your problems it certainly can't be easy. I don't usually suffer so much with being left on my own, but I do suffer from social phobia and agoraphobia.