Help! Girlfriend is a Energetic, Extroverted Social Animal!


Active member
Hi everyone! I got myself into a situation here. You see, I just gotten to know this girl and it seems that we are in love.

She is so lively, happy, cheery and funny.. you know the kind of person..she is the extroverted happy go lucky "Life of the Party" kind of girl. She got a whole bunch nof friends, and a very happening social life. A contrast to my boring routine life, having SA and naturally introverted.

I dont know what should I do. You guys think that we should continue dating, or should we just give it a try. She does not know about my problems, I even got her thinking that I am a little of a "player". Her energy seems to be rubbing into me, which is good, but can be a little exhausting sometimes. I don't know if I could keep up with her!


Well-known member

I think that you should continue to date. You are still getting to know her so you will encounter some of her imperfections: No one is perfect at every moment of the day or happy every moment of the day.
However, if you think this is love and you trust her with very personal information, then I think you should tell her about what you are feeling now. There is no point in being something you are not: she will find out eventually (just like you will find out where her weaknesses are just by being around her).

That's what I think. Good luck! Take Care.


Well-known member
I have gone the other way around you know...
I have played the "nice guy", "here take me for what I am" attitude once with my previous girlfriend. And I ended up being dumped. I do not want to lose another girl from my SP.

In fact, as I am faking it..u know what? I started to believe that I am a stud!! I felt more confident around her friends, but I do stutter at times.

Maybe in a few months.. I show my darker side..??