Help us to Help you

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The Members of our institute are planning to help shy people, by giving them information (in form of books, articles, news letters, and manuals) about how to overcome there problems.
All you have to do is... answer these question. So that we become aware of your problems

1) Have you ever read books on shyness. What are things which you dont like about those books?

2) Have you ever bought books, on social phobia, shyness, social interactions etc, to solve your specific problems. But after reading those books you figure out, that there is not a thing about that problem.

What are those problems, the solution of which you want to add in those books?

3) What additional meterial, you think has wasted your time, and you dont want it to be included in the next book you read?

4) Please give the design of the book.... the way you want it to be?

Please answer these questions sincerely. your one step might help millions of shy people.
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