

New member
Hi, I'm Wendy. In 2008 the fingertips on my left hand died and in an effort to save them I had ETS. I now suffer from terrible compensatory sweating and brilliant red flushing on the right side of my face, head and neck. Most of the sweating seems to come out of a single place on the bridge of my nose just below my right eye, so I look like I am crying if I'm sweating. I've been to the dermatologist and asked about BoTox and was assured it wouldn't work. I've tried the glycolblahblah pills and they worked well at first but now make me feel like I'm having a heart attack so I can't take them. I am currently not working and would like to return to work but when I go for an interview all the prospective hirer sees is what looks like a middle aged woman, red in the face and crying! It's not just my face, my head sweats too, from the midline in the back to my nose in the front. My right arm turns bright red as well but thankfully the armpit seems to be controlled with regular antiperspirant. So my question is this.... what would work on my face and my head but not leave a residue in my hair? Hopefully something inexpensive (I don't have a job) Thanks!