Hey im new on here


Hey im new on here just thought i'd post something. well im 17 nearly 18 and iv had problems going out for 2 years now. Im house bound now and have been since december last year. My mum thinks i have agoraphobia. i do to, but i cant go to the doctors of have strangers in the house.
i dont want to sound stupid or anything.
but does it sound like i have this problem? any help would be good :)

talk to me im new to this. And i dont bite lol



Well-known member
Hi there!

I don't know about the specifics of your anxiety, but it sounds like you might have social phobia. If it's not just a fear of leaving the house - but you get anxious having guests in the house, suggests the fear is centred around people. I don't know, though. Really, it would be best for you to see a doctor, get a diagnosis - but, even that in itself can seem terrifying. I understand.

Trying not to get depressed is probably the most important thing. Do things you enjoy (as best you can), and try not to worry about the judgements of other people - because their opinions are, afterall, not important.

Anyway, welcome here!


hay thanks :)

well when i was able to go out abit i couldnt stay out long.
like if i went to asda i had a panic attack so then i had to stay in the car.
but when i get home im fine. Its kinda were i feel okay.
my mum wants me to go to the doctors but i cant leave the house. i want help but theres a massive part of me that just doesnt want to leave. i dont even know what im so scare of :?
but i miss all my friends and being able to have fun :(


My mother has agorophobia and what you are describing sounds very similar to her "symptoms". I agree with strawberry though, you should go see a doctor. It might not be easy but it is a very important step to take in getting better.


New member
i have thought about this for qquite some time. periodically i will have days and weeks where i just cannot leave no matter what. ive missed months of school cause i just cannot bring myself to leave the house i was just to scared to go to school. and at the same time i would have absolutely no idea why