

Hello everybody,

I've been reading this forum for a while now and thought it was about time to register and introduce myself.

I've suffered from hyperhidrosis since I was about 12 years old (I'm now 22) and until recently it's something that I've made major lifestyle changes to accomodate - I'm sure the story is familiar to most people, not going out because my face would be covered in sweat, struggling to cope at work because having a face full of sweat etc...

When I was 18 I worked in a shop and one day my manager asked me why I was sweating and told me to go and get a paper tissue and wipe it off, I was so embarrased when I went to get the paper tissue I collected my things and never went back. In hindsight, I should have probably gone to the doctor with this issue but I just thought it was because I was overweight.

I moved to Spain not so long ago and the temperatures where constant 30 degrees, sometimes up to 47 degrees in the summer - this involved a lot of sweat. The job I was doing was a very social one and it was getting beyond a joke, fortunately nobody mentioned it and I wore clothes tactically to avoid showing most of it.

After returning back to the UK I've been searching solutions, I tried all the roll ons, sprays and such like which made absolutely no difference whatsover. Finally this week I bit the bullet and went to see the doctor, fortunately or unfortunately for me the doctor wasn't familiar with hyperdidrosis and asked what research I had done - I explained I had spent many sleepless nights on the internet looking for solutions and I found "propantheline bromide" and he agreed to prescribe it to me.

WOW WHAT A DIFFERENCE! I'm still getting used to the dosage I need to take but I've been taking 2 about 1 1/2 hours before I go to work, this stops me sweating for about 5 hours - literally not a bead of sweat breaks out when only a week ago I would be dripping in sweat sat in the office. I went the whole shift today with very minimal sweat after around 5 hours, I took another tablet and it soon went - I managed to wear a light coloured tshirt this afternoon and had no sweat marks at all, this very small tablet has literally changed my life. I'm so happy :applause: - though, it's not without it's side effects of course. I get an incredibly dry mouth so I've started to take a bottle of water everywhere with me, a small price to pay for a sweat free body... I also get headaches which I think are associated with the medication as it is listed as a side effect, nothing major and nothing a paracetamol doesn't sort out. The other side effect I have is red hot knees, I assume this is because they would usually be sweating but they no longer are so they are getting pretty hot - although not uncomfortable it's certainly noticeable but at least only I know about that rather than the whole world seeing.

Sorry for the long introduction but I just wanted to let everybody know my story and prove there is hope out there! :)



You want to know how I got these scars?
Hi sayagain and welcome! Its great to hear you've had success in treating your condition and even better you are sharing it to help others. Good stuff!


Well-known member
Welcome to the group sayagain. It's always a pleasure to hearing someones success story. I'm glad you found something that helps.


Thanks for the welcome guys.

So far so good! I'm trying to get an idea of the dosage to take. 1 tablet doesn't work very effectively, 2 is brilliant for about 5 hours - should I just take another 2 when the effects begin to wear off?

My doctor actually said to figure out my own dosage because he's never heard of it.


Well-known member
Welcome, and I'm glad you managed to find a solution (and getting a UK doctor to prescribe you something!).

I found avert worked for me but, like you, I got an incredibly dry mouth. I also found that I soon felt a very frequent urge to urinate after a few days of taking it in a row (I can't remember if I actually needed to go, or whether it was just the feeling) and like I couldn't hold it in - have you noticed anything like that from what you're taking?

And another question: Are you taking it every day? I found that when I stopped taking it constantly, because of the need-to-pee feeling mentioned above, that this seemed to reduce 'sweat-anxiety', and I haven't needed to take it every day (also because I'm not too bad in what has effectively been winter for the last 6 months... and recently I don't have far to walk to work)
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Welcome, and I'm glad you managed to find a solution (and getting a UK doctor to prescribe you something!).

I found avert worked for me but, like you, I got an incredibly dry mouth. I also found that I soon felt a very frequent urge to urinate after a few days of taking it in a row (I can't remember if I actually needed to go, or whether it was just the feeling) and like I couldn't hold it in - have you noticed anything like that from what you're taking?

And another question: Are you taking it every day? I found that when I stopped taking it constantly, because of the need-to-pee feeling mentioned above, that this seemed to reduce 'sweat-anxiety', and I haven't needed to take it every day (also because I'm not too bad in what has effectively been winter for the last 6 months... and recently I don't have far to walk to work)

I find that I need to urinate more than usual, but I think that's because it's much harder to actually urinate now than without taking the tablets. I don't think I'm emptying my bladder fully when I do go hence the need to go more frequently. I wouldn't say it was an awful lot though, maybe 2-3 times more a day. The actual problem is forcing it out which takes a fair bit of concentration - it seems funny saying that!

I am taking it every day, I find the benefits last a maximum of 5 hours and it wears off within an hour of eating, however small. I've had 2 days off work and I didn't take it at all during that time but my normal sweating routine appeared. I've just taken 2 less than an hour ago and I'm already dry, no sweating at all! I also find I have no effect if I take any less than 1 tablet, not really a problem so I just tend to take 2 an hour before work and then as required. My hands start sweating lightly first which is a reminder to "top up" throughout the day.

welcome, i'm new here as well.

learned alot so far.

Thanks! Hope you're finding helpful tips :)