HH and nutrition, workouts and more...


Well-known member
I've had HH for 50 years and during that time I have been heavily into nutrition, working out, did the vitamin thing (even became a vitamin addict), became vegetarian(still am), fruitarian (seriously), macrobiotic, week of fasting, and the list goes own. I have not been treated for depression, nor took any drugs. Alcohol makes me sweat more. My body just seems to like to sweat.

There is no magic cure for everyone. Those of you who believe it's psychological, power to you! I have spent a half a life time with this nasty hand, feet, and entire body sweating. I wish I can wake up and claim that I'm cured... and I can, well maybe a little. Iontopheresis helps my hands and tremendously. Sometimes I have some downtimes where it only works 80% for some unknown reason. I've been doing this treatment for over 5 years and overall I'm quite pleased with the 80 - 99% success rate.

As for the rest of my body sweating... I just deal with it. What are you going to do? The body just likes to sweat. At least it doesn't smell. Armpits can be a pain at times, yet CERTAIN DRY does the trick for me.

Has sweating impacted my life. SURE! At least younger folk today have more options than I had. Actually, I had no options, no one to talk to about it, after all it was psychological, nervousness, which it was in a way. The more you think about sweating, the more it happens and nothing seems to stop it. It's like the sweating has a mind of it's own. It wasn't till 2005 that I discovered the HH boards and that changed my life. It opened me up where I was now able to talk to family and friends about my problem. Did it stop the sweat from happening? NO. It did give me piece of mind knowing I'm not alone.

If nutrition and supplements work for you... wonderful
If body building is the key to your cure... amazing
If medication and/or Iontopheresis works... cool
If Snake oil product do the trick... wow

Maybe we all can maybe find an individual cure... unless one cannot. Maybe at least achieve piece of mind for trying. If you find a particular treatment or CURE that works for you, share it with us. Please do not act as if your cure is the final answer, the one true cure, the savior of HH. Each of us are blessed with our own unique messed up bodies that work a little differently from the next person. It's ok to share experiences as long as it's just that, sharing.

Piglet Boy

Well-known member
I am not sure what I can do as well. I think it's really an over active nervous system that has lead to a lot of anxiety.