Hi all, im new


Well-known member
hi folks, im new to this site.Im 31 and live at home with my folks, i have had the social phobia/avoidance problem since well school days.I havent been working and feel more comfortable at home.I have a education level of grade 9 unfortunately, i just couldnt hack school.Im really embarassed to mention that fact, im not proud of it.I quit school entering grade 10, and been living at home ever since.I did try going back to school to finish when my family moved back to Ireland, we are orginally from Ireland.I went to the college there, but i felt so dam uncomfortable in the classes.I had this feeling like when i was sitting at my table and writing or whatever that i would loose control embarass myself.Best thing i can describe it as , is like when you feel like your going to fall that feeling of loosing total control.Kinda hard to describe, but its not a very nice feeling at all.Part of my problem also, it goes back into my childhood, we orginally lived in Ireland then we moved to England and then Finally Canada.Me and my brother put on fake accents, so i started putting on a english accent. When we moved to Canada we intentionally started trying to put on a Canadian accent to fit in with everyone.I would put on the Canadian accent at school etc and when i went home i just talked with my normal Irish accent.When i was at home with my parents i was able to let my personality go and at school etc i was way more stunted personality wise.

This accent thing kinda became a problem when our family moved back to Ireland because i was back in Ireland.I decided to try and intentionally not use my Canadian accent when talking with other people.I tried talking with my normal irish accent , but i found it kinda like a conflict inside myself.I wanted to have my irish accent but whenever i opened my mouth i sounded Canadian.Hahaha this probably sounds weird, its hard to describe it all.But its like a internal struggle, like i dont know which way to talk.I feel this has some bearing on my social phobia problem.Also im very self concious around other people.

Im currently not working or in school, im living at home with my parents and not sure what to do with my life.I feel much more confortable at home, and dont want to face the problem because it makes me so dam uncomfortable.At the same time i know this is not the right way to live and i must find a job and make a life.I guess im afraid to break outa this shell of living at home for so long. :oops:


Well-known member
Hi rko74, welcome to the site. I hope you get to feel comfortable enough to let your personality out here.


Well-known member
Hi there

Hi there Yosarian, hope you dont think im nuts or anything :oops: .I didnt know where to start.Actually im able to really let my personality out with people online real easy.I guess typing has something to do with that.I play quite a few "mmorpgs" online{Everquest etc}and have developed a few good friends on there.I will post further, thanks for replying


Well-known member
Hello rko74,dont worry about been embaressed about your problems on here,everyone has there story to tell,i can relate about the whole need to get out and get a job thing,i may only be 20(closing on 21) still living with my mother and shes great to keep me.Its much nicer and safer to stay at home i know but sometimes you just have to push your self to do things even small things.

Remember dont worry about embaressment,if people pick fun at you there not worth the time of day.


Hi, I'm new here as well. And I'm 32 and living with my parents, if that makes you feel better. I've got some topics I'd like to post but need to get myself acquainted with the forum first...


Well-known member
Hi rko74. Welcome to the forum. I'm relatively new here also. I'm certainly more comfortable at home myself, but I'm trying to get out and work.

I think people here can give you valuable advice on how to break out of your current situation.


Well-known member
Getting out of the rut im in.

I wish i could figure out what i could do {job wise}, i didnt finish high school because this problem.I dont have nothing much i can put on a resume, cept like a part time job for a few months and some volunteer work a number of years ago.What do you guys do for a living and how did you come around to doing that type of work? I find i lack the desire to get myself going.I know i will have to because my folks arent going to be around forever.