Hi everyone.


I'm a sixteen year old from Sweden with social phobia and pretty knew here. I was wondering if anyone in the same situation would like to talk to me on msn or something. I'm depressed as lots of people here and I know that I sound pretty desperate but to be honest I acually am.
Hi Cotton,

I am sorry to hear that. It is sad that someone suffers in silent. Just gout more, even by yourself...its o.k....Go to window shopping and talk to sales people about things you know of this way you can talk with confident. Just pretend you would like to buy something and inquire about that thing...it helps. Or go to video store and ask the person when a new movie is coming out. These are little things every and small talk helps you build character and confidence. It really works.

I found out too late in my life....

Also when you feel depress, just step back and take a little break and just think about what is causing this depression at that moment.. Close your eyes let go for a while and if possible talk to some one.

God bless you. I hope it gets better for you.
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