HOCD: Self-fulfilling prophecy?


Some people on here may have heard of what's called "HOCD," where someone with OCD worries about his sexual orientation, which then becomes an obsession.

So I have a question: Does anyone think it is possible for HOCD to result in a self-fulfilling prophecy? Namely, that someone worries about being a homosexual, and then develops such tendencies out of the worry?

Without getting into the general discussion of what "causes" sexual orientation, I'm only interested in whether a self-fulfilling prophecy might arise from this worrying obsession.

[You may have guess that, yes, there is a personal investment I have here. But my issues aside, I'm only setting this forth to see if anyone thinks generally that this can happen.]


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In the past, classmates have alienated me because they think I'm gay, but I really am not. I act like a tomboy and don't wear much feminine clothes. I do feel the pressure to act and look feminine, but not anymore. I have accepted myself for who I am.

With that said, never did I feel sexually confused. I still identify as a straight woman, but just more tomboyish.


Okay, I learned something about what I was talking about. Apparently when you focus on something out of anxiety, it can actually cause physical arousal, both sexual and psychological. So there was some truth to what I was saying; but I may not have been explaining it in the right terms.
I had HOCD for about 20 years. It finally came to an end after I spoke to a friend of mine about it. I thought it was going to torture me my entire life but thankfully it ended. I still have OCD and I have always had obsessions about several things. I'm sure my HOCD was worse than yours and no it will not turn you gay. it has been several years and I haven't had a single gay obsession. there is no way it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Your mind is playing tricks on you. Trust me I have been there.