how to help


Well-known member
what help can we offer OCD sufferers,

im going bonkers dealing with my wife, the gp, just changes her meds aroud, but is there anything else,

we were advised on marrage counceslling but im not sure this will work at all,

is there propper psyciatric help for this disorder?

i cant take this clutter anymore, its beyond messyness
Nothing has helped me more with my social anxiety disorder (SAD) than acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). I still get depressed and anxious, but I'm able to deal with it a lot better now. There's a new self-help workbook called "The Happiness Trap" by Dr. Russ Harris, which is great for people with OCD, SAD, GAD, PTSD, etc. Another great ACT book is "Get Out Of Your Mind & Into Your Life" by Dr. Steven C. Hayes. There's is even ACT Q&A available on Yahoo! Groups "ACT_for_the_Public".

I hate clutter too. Maybe you can ask her to keep her "stuff" in just one room. Or clean some of it when she's sleeping.

Good luck, hang in there.


Well-known member
the more i clean the worse she will make it when i turn my back, she does it everywhere she goes, like a virus infecting it, the car, i eventually resorted to going outside using my laptop on the outdoor setting, now she got into that, and you cant sit down anymore outside.

shes truley stuffed anyhere i can hide now.