Hyperhidrosis and Weight. (oh and ADVERT IS GREAT)


New member
i was wondering if any of you guys weight are affected by hyperhirosis. When i go to the gym. i see people in the steam room sweating to lose weight. Now my question is if i had this since grade school til 18 would it have affected my weight. Im really skinny. Do you think the constant sweat may have affected it?
or its just my body lol.

Anyone here can gain easy?

Oh and if anyone havnt tried Advert. YOU NEED to try it now. i have palmer feet and armpit.
I took 2 pills today and my mouth was so dry i couldnt swallow my food lol. But damn it felt good to be dry. Umm i also had a slight headache but i didnt sleep much and was really hungry so maybe that was the problem. i can get used to that.


well, i dont think sweating actually makes you lose weight if thats what you're asking. because i have always weighed a bit more than i should (im 179cm tall and weigh 85kg). at one point i actually thought that losing weight would reduce my sweating... when i was 15 i was jogging EVERY day until i got down to 75kg, which made me look very thin, but despite that fact i was still sweating the same amount.

i think if you wanna gain weight, you should pump :p
try training 2 pass + 1 condition per week. you should do 3-5x10-15 with less than 1min rest between. also you should do so heavy that you can barely pull that last 12th or 15th off. you shuld also let your muscles rest for the rest of the week for starters. a good practice is to take it slow and put less weight on instead.
say you do like this:
day 1: lats, back, biceps, legs
day 2: chest, triceps, stomach
day 3: condition + whatever you want to do
shuld take around 45min-60min+

another important thing on gaining weight is that you HAVE to provide your body with the nutritions it needs to build the muscle. you should therefore probably get some gainers (even though they're absurdly expensive) as well as balance your meals ofc (meat, eggs, tuna = good stuff). If you dont provide your body with the nutritions it needs, you will see very slow results or no results at all. the thing is when you build muscle, you are actually smashing them to bits, then the body will try to compensate for the fact that you couldnt handle the weights by building your muscle bigger. so if you dont give your body enough proteins the muscle wont be able to be built properly!


Well-known member
I think it varies. I mean, if a person is overweight they'll definitely tend to sweat more.

They'll certainly lose water weight if that's what you're referring to.