Hypochondria or actually sick?


Active member
I'm starting to think that I may suffer Hypochondriasis. Everytime I get the slightest symptom of an illness, I blow it up out of proportion and consider it much more serious than it is.

I spent hours and hours and hours researching medical problems, convinced that I have them. If I have a headache, I become convinced it's a brain tumour. If I have a really happy day, I'm convinced I must be manic and have bipolar. If my period is one day late, I worry about early onset menopause and polycystic ovaries. e.t.c e.t.c.

I constantly blame doctors and my parents for not taking me seriously enough, but maybe I'm the one in the wrong? I've been to talked to at least four different GPs AND had a long, formal psychiatric assessment, spanning over the course of several sessions and the best the could come up with was a provisional diagnosis of Borderline Personality, with a GAF of 80 of a 100 (that's high!). Don't get me wrong, I have had some bad dysphoria (episodes aren't long enough to be classed as depression), but I really do think it's mostly hypochondria.

What am I supposed to do about this? Do I honestly go and say "Dr, dr, I think I have hypochondria?!"


Active member
It's so easy to diagnose yourself with hundreds, probably thousands, of illnesses if you go online looking up symptoms like that. I'd try to stop self diagnosing for a while and see how you feel.

To start, try not to look up anything online and if you get any symptoms, just tell yourself that they are most likely from stress.


Well-known member
He he there are health anxiety forums out there I hear, but I don't dare to go there.. :)

I can easily imagine things too, so I try to limit time exploring anything like that too.. And don't watch ER or such cause it can give me anxiety..
A friend of mine can imagine stuff too, so sometimes we just yammer and laugh at each other.. Sometimes that helps too..

On the other hand, you could do a 'worst case scenario' (and what you could do then) and 'best case scenario' too, and truth is usually between them - and see if you can come up with any good answers, ways to prevent things etc? And if something really seems a big concern, it's good to get tested..

I don't worry about mental health labels as such cause I think they're mostly just labels and imagination of the pharma industry, trying to earn more money with it.. I do go look for tips on how to live to prevent it.. some of that stuff can be helpful.. Besides, when has anyone normal ever made history - or done anything worth writing about? (I like this quote, lol :D)


Well-known member
I've been suffering from hypochondria and OCD for years. I can honestly tell you that it sounds like you may have it. I know that isn't very comforting, but I think it's better to know that these things you're feeling are all in your head, rather than actually being physically ill. Hypochondria is a b*tch to live with, but there IS help out there. Sadly, the therapists in my area are useless douche bags, so there isn't much help for me. If you find a good therapist, I'm sure they could help you. Good luck. :)