I am in love with you all... for serious!


I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. every single one of you that has ever posted on here..... I owe you so much.

I have been suffering from HH far before I realized what it was.. I always told myself that it's completely normal. after all, I spent ten years in 95-100 degree(f) texas heat, with nearly 100% humidity. who wouldn't sweat?! I discovered I have HH a year or two ago and, well, I'll save yall from my loong story (I'm way too verbose)... here's the short version:

I made an appt with a dermatologist. it's on thursday.

I figured I should know my shit when I go in, though. so for the past four hours I have been researching every single drug that has ever been used to help treat HH.. and ended up here. after a couple more hours reading practically every single post on this forum, I decided I should make a list of what I want to discuss with my dermatologist, and came upon a few questions I want to get covered before I head into my appt.....

the three main (effective) medicines I have come across are:

from reading most posts, people seem to find robinul/avert the most effective. if any of yall have taken more than one of them, how do they compare? more importantly.... what are the side effects? I am well aware that I will experience dry mouth (don't care - I have too much saliva anyway!)..... but I want to make sure I am aware of all possible side effects, so I'm not caught of guard.

also, if you take any of the pills... do you have generalized or localized HH? in either case, where do you sweat?

I am basically at the end of the road as far as options go, so I am really hoping one of these three will work for me! (haha, that rhymed :D)


Well-known member
Hi Kristalena!

I've been on Avert for--I think 2 years now. My sweating is cranio-facial, so it's hard to deal with that with any topical products. The Secure wipes are good too, or at least worked for my forehead/face--just not for scalp.

Be prepared for a derm who is clueless (this doesn't mean yours will be, just that most of them are). The first one I saw dismissed the oral meds--made a huge face while talking about dry mouth. Then she mentioned botox as being expensive, didn't work for everyone, and only lasted 6-7 months if it did. Gee thanks!

For me the dry mouth is not that severe, though it varies. Water or fruit candy solves that when it occurs.

Good luck, and literally keep us posted.


Active member
Look for other alternatives than pills because they do have side effects. That should probably be your third choice before topical treatments and ionto.


well, I typed out my story with doctors to begin with, but it was really long.. so I erased it, therefore leaving out some important info, I guess.

I went to my physician several months ago at the beginning of the summer and told her even during the january ice storm in oklahoma, I'd have to wear a tanktop under my heavy coat because I would sweat too much otherwise.. and then be unable to take my coat off during classes because there would be sweat marks down my back and sides. she dismissed it.

she told me to try secret clinical strength... which I'd already been using for several months. sure, it smells nice... but does nothing for the sweat on my back and elsewhere.

I talked to my uncle who has had some sweating problems.. but his is under his arms, and he's been able to control it with certain dry. so he gave me a bottle of his..... and I practically rubbed it over my entire body. it didn't work so well, to say the least.

I went back to my physician, she prescribed my drysol... same thing. didn't work.

I refuse to do botox. it's too expensive to do every 6 or 7 months, and it won't be of much help to my generalized HH. I will never do the surgery. never. I do not want compensatory sweating... no way.

so..... I have tried (and exhausted) all my options. at this point, and side effect would be a blessing compared to my sweating while walking to class when it's snowing.... that's just not normal!


Well-known member
The oral meds MAY have side effects. That's not a given.

The dry mouth (which for me is occasional anyway) is a nuisance but not a serious problem.

I have controlled high blood pressure, and the pharmacist wouldn't prescribe Avert for me until she cleared it with my doctor, so that's something to be aware of.

Wishing you the best! [/i]


Well-known member
If you continuously used drysol everyday and it still did nothing, i don't envy your HH :lol:

I hope you find the cure that works for you. It's all trial and error anyway. Have you tried Iontophoresis?


hahaha, yeah my HH sucks. but the whole thing with drysol.... is that my HH is generalized... and pretty much everyone BUT my armpits, hands, and feet sweats. I mean I do sweat a bit under my arms, but it's completely normal..... so, drysol is kinda a pain in the ass, that doesn't really work so well for me.

as for iontophoresis.... that won't work for me either, because I don't have HH on my hands or feet.

it's a pretty shitty situation, but I am completely PUMPED for my dr.'s appt in the morning!!!


Active member
You have no HH in your hands, feet, and underarms? I envy you!! Lol, but seriously, I would probably say the same thing if I was in the same situation as you.


hahahaha I love the way life works....... the grass is always greener on the other side.

while I'm sure having HH on your hands and feet is just as bad, right now nothing sounds worse than having it all over my back and face... I hate it! gross!

but regardless, any sort of HH is just unpleasant and nasty. :)


Well-known member
kristalena said:
hahahaha I love the way life works....... the grass is always greener on the other side.

ild rather be on this side splasing around in the mud. :)

Good luck with it all, it will be a mad long case of trial and error as i have found with HH, I had an operation that cleared up a lot of problems, and have discovered my best combination of products.
Perspirex & neat 3b
HH sucks and is a pain in the bum but there are worst things, thats how I looka t it all.

Good luck


well, I went to my dermatologist this morning... and I love her!

I explained to her how other doctors just kind of blew me off and said "oh, it's normal.." and told me to use drysol or something of the sort. before I could even tell her that I wanted to try rubinol, she said something to the effect of:

"that is not normal. it's called hyperhidrosis. there are two options here. the first is a medicine called robinul."

I didn't even give her a chance to tell me the second option... I agreed with her right away.

I have my prescription filled... now I just have to give it all a shot. I don't even know what it's like to not sweat at all.... I feel as if I should go walk outside for an hour and see if I sweat. I'm still skeptical of it all.... I hope it works!


New member

Hi all! i'm from England, every time i go shopping (or even wake up in the morning!) i have to think "oh, wait, i cant buy that" because it will show up the sweat. and im 21 next week - its horrible! i cant wear the girly clothes that all my mates wear, cause it would show up all the sweat on my back! whats worse is that i only seem to be able to find remedies for excessive sweating under the armpits or on the hands and feet. my worst area for sweating is on my back and my neck and chest area. of course, my arm pits are really bad too, but the back is the biggest problem.

i work in a club and it gets extremely hot! i would love to be able to lug huge crates full of bottled beer around without having to nip to the loo to wipe my back with loo roll, and i would love to be rid of the worry that my face is shiny with sweat!

could anyone help? i know that you can buy these secure wipes...can u get them in england?


Hannah xxx


sounds like we have the same problems... I hate having sweat on my back!

I personally have not tried the secure wipes (although I definitely plan to!)... but from reading around on this website as well as others, I know that they can be ordered online from www.pharmacy.ca

as for if you can get them through a doctor in england... I have no idea, I live in the US :)


Well-known member
Hi Kristalena!

Teach me to make rude remarks about dermatologists--glad you got one of the few who is knowledgeable about HH and robinul.

We'll be waiting to hear how you do--Avert (Canadian version of Robinul) has honestly changed my life much for the
better. :D


I do have one question... did it work immediately? I took one pill today, but honestly haven't done anything but sit on my but and do homework all day, which doesn't really make me sweat lol


Well-known member

Thinking back, I believe it did work immediately--don't know what dose you're on--I usually take 2 2mg pills, and sometimes one more if it's humid or I'm exercising.

What was your doctor's advice on how much/how often?

Good luck!


well my doctor prescribed me the 1mg pills... she wanted me to take two a day and just make sure I'm okay/side effects aren't too bad at that level... and then after a few days she said it's okay for me to bump it up to two 1mg pills twice daily..... and I think that's what I'm going to do.

tomorrow will be the real test... I'm working an 8 hour shift tomorrow, and I always sweat at work :)


Well-known member
Always best to do as the doctor says--if you trust the doctor, as you do.

Hope this works well for you--if so, you will only then realize how much HH has affected you!


Well-known member
100 degrees at 1pm today.
heat index of 110.

Thank God everyone else will be sweating their balls off too! Fucking Southern heat. I'm next door to Texlahoma, so I know how you feel.


Well-known member
The love is reciprocated. :D

Ever since coming to this forum I have found a lot more hope.