I am not sure if this is OCD or something else.


New member
To start of my main problem is i just can't relax! Sometimes its irritability, sometimes social anxiety, or stress/nervousness.

The second problem is i am pathologically obsessed about not waisting time(this is what makes me think i have mild OCD). I would be with my girlfriend in the park thinking about how i could have been reading a useful book instead of relaxing and enjoying our time together. I almost broke up with her before i realized it was MY problem not hers(its not that she is boring its that i cant relax and have fun). I constantly repeat "am i waisting time" in my head to the point of obsession and i just cant relax!

Also i have close to pathological disorganization in my priorities/cleaning and so on. My room is so messy its scary. I also do not do a lot of things i know i have to do.

Any idea what this is/ might be?

As a side note taking 5htp makes the problem go away completely.


Well-known member
That's strange. I have the same problem with my girlfriend. I get agitated especially at the weekend because I feel I am not being productive and just sitting around watching TV makes me soo agitated. I get a knot in my stomach feeling that I should be doing something that could make me money or something.

Ever since I have started meditation though I have felt a bit more relaxed. Maybe you should give it a go. It just gives you time to focus on your problems and concentrate them into a 15 minute period rather than ruminating all day. It also helps you relax.

Just one question. Do you feel agitated because you are not bettering yourself or doing something that can make you more intelligent. Do you think you are wasting your time because what you are doing cannot ultimately make you successful like you want to be?


New member
Yeah i am mostly obsessed about not doing something that would make me more intelligent/or healthier. I am generally not obsessive about not making money at all and in fact hate working but love reading.

I love spending time with my girlfriend at times but i am thinking of cutting the time i am with her because i have other goals that are even more important to me to be honest. I consider myself to be well above avg intelligence and i start getting agitated if i don't cultivate it somehow. My girlfriend while is very smart, she is not very ambitious about all the science i am into. I even considered to stop seeing her but then i realized that that is the ONLY problem i have with her and it would be stupid to end it because of this when its otherwise a perfect relationship. The way i went about it is i talked to her and told her that i want her and me to have more things in common so i gave her a few books that would hopefully get her interested in some of the things i love.