I had Ets bout 7 years ago in L.A.


Sweating from the palms and feet...after the surgery no more sweating from the hands... feet kept on sweating but im ok with it, i can live with that.. never had any side affects.. just about a week ago i noticed my finger tips on my right hand just barely sweating... this only happens when my feet begin to sweat.. my question is "are my hands gonna start to sweat again?... im gonna see my local doctor soon and see what he has to say.. oh i got the surgery where they burned the nerve off... anyone?
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Solo Dolo

Well-known member
i would help you if i could, bud. but i havent had ets surgery or any kind of surgery. it sounds like u only have sweating of hands and feet, i feel like thats easy to take care of. you could try sweat stop or ionto...

idk if this helped but all i can say is good luck


ya i had it in my feet and hands... after the surgery it aliminated the hands but recently my finger tips on my right hand are starting to sweat just a little, enough to bother me... is there a chance its gonna come back is what im worried about.


Well-known member
Ya I read this, but seeing as how I have general HH and have never had surgery, I really didn't know what to say. Chances are very few ppl on this site have had surgery.


what are my chances of the nerve has regenerated and if it did am i gonna have full blown hh in my hands agian?


i found this... im curious if he just had a minimal return if thats even possible..

Long-term results from ETS surgery and current situation
About two years post surgery, I started getting some sweat return to my right hand. This was nowhere near as significant or frequent as prior to surgery. To this day, while my left hand is dryer than a normal hand and sometimes even has white areas on it due to excessive dryness, the right hand never gets this whiteness. Sweating on the right hand can be significant if I exert myself excessively, or sometimes when I am drinking coffee/caffeine and in stress. Most of the time, the right hand is completely dry. Interestingly enough, Joel also had his right hand sweat again, and he went back to Sweden for a re-operation. I kept in touch with Joel for a few years, but have since lost contact

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i got it burned... i found this too

After ETS, some patients (typically less than five percent in the case of ETS for palmar sweating according to most surgeons) experience a recurrence of their original symptoms. This recurrence is usually most common with regards to ETS for facial blushing, for Raynaud's Syndrome and for other such non-hyperhidrosis related problems. In my own case, I had some right had sweating return a year or so after ETS while the left hand has always remained extremely dry. During intense exercise, my right hand can get very sweaty at times. It is unclear to the surgeons why this recurrence occurs, and some claim that there is no way a destroyed ganglion can regenerate, so the sweat signals must be transmitting via other pathways. Many patients need to get re-operated upon if the recurrence is significant. I am not sure how the re-operation works if the destroyed ganglion has not regenerated and hope to hear from someone with this knowledge. Does the surgeon destroy other ganglions besides the dead T-2 (or T-3 in newer procedures) in the event of recurrence? What happens to surrounding scar tissue from the initial operation?


Well-known member
My advice is to keep "bumping" this topic up until someone with more knowledge in ETS comes along.


i've spoken to several doctors about ets including your doctor, dr. baumgartner who i've seen in person. dr baumgartner is a nice man and i believe he knows what he's doing. he only does ets for really severe patients and he rated my own condition as a 6 or 7 out of 10 on severity. ETS is really like playing roulette or just gambling. everyone's anatomy is different and you will all have different results. the one thing most people have in common is compensatory sweating. ETS doesn't cure hyeprhidrosis it just cuts off the pathways to certain areas, (mainly the upper body, palms etc) . This causes other parts of the body to sweat mostly in hot weather because they are not emotional sites like the hands and feet.

Most people with hyperhidrosis have increased emotional sweating. Meaning certain stimuli will make them sweat more easily than most people. They can also have it in regards to overactive cooling, but that is not my case.

ets is a last resort cus its just a trade off and u could have a bad result. the only ones who are happy are the palmar ones who had it really bad before or facial and now can handle the compensatory sweat

Good info... being that my finger tips are just starting to sweat what do you think?... you think my whole hands are gonna sweat agian... if the nerve grew back on mostly everyone that would mean that they would go back to normal?... people with bad cs would go back to normal cuz the nerve is back together?... ... i have cs but like you siad only when its hot and its minimal... say nerve did regenerate i have a feeling that its so damaged that its not gonna function correctly therefore i might just have light sweat just like i do now?... make any sense


i can sweat from my head only if im really doing something... i sweat from my armpits... my feet sweat heavily... with your knowlege what are the odds of my hands starting to sweat all over agian?... have you heard of this happing at all, what were there results?
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