i know i have OCD

well....where to start? I have known there was always something wrong with me and i actually didnt find out about OCD until a few months ago. I'm 15 now and have been expierancing the OCD symtons since i was at least 8 or 9. I've been reading up on it and i guess basically u practice a ritual because of bad thoughts? (correct me if im wrong) But for me, i feel as though i don't do the usual thing i do i think that maybe my best friend might not want to be friends with me or that something bad may happen such as a family member getting hurt or friend. Things I expierance are like the moment i wake up i always go to check the tempurture in the hallway and when i dont or i just try to ignore i just get a weird feeling something is gunna happen. and then another one is that if i dont ?cringe? my eyes or squezze them its just again, another feeling that someone hates me or so. i heard that medications such as anti-depressants might work. well do they?


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My son has always seemed a happy soul, very sporty, arty& rite into his music, he plays a few different instruments, he up until very recently had many friends, 3 or 4 extremely close friends that go back to kindy years. This all came to a grinding holt in July of this year. I noticed a huge change in his general happiness, when I tried to help he would always say i'm fine, I would try not to intrude on what seemed to be a cross between confusion, sadness & angry times. Still thinking this is just all to do with the onset of adolescents, let things go for a little longer. Finally I insisted he talk if not to me, to someone else. This is what I now know. Today my sons happy soul is struggling to keep OCD from steeling all the things he enjoys. He has had to endure some pretty crappy stuff at school, in fact we think this is what triggered his anxiety, he carried what was going on with his peers, choosing not to dob. Since starting meds and CBT, he is slowly starting to feel good about himself. He really has no interest in his peers, opting not to risk the hurt they are capable of giving. He really only trusts adults. I fear his lonely but one step at a time. Guys talk and trust in someone ASAP, the longer you carry things inside the more damage is done. My son is 14, and yes together we will fight this!