i wanna help this boy


Well-known member
there's this boy at my high school. i've never heard him speak before. i'm really shy too so when i have his lunch i sit next to him. he acts like i'm not there and reads his book and listens to his ear phones. today i gave him a piece of candy and smiled at him. he shook his head no and his foot began to jiggle really fast so i began to read too. since i am shy too i don't know what to do. do you think he's mad at me for sitting with him? i prolly make him uncomforable but i wanna be his friend. i was thinking of bringing some paper to lunch and writing hi on it but...

has any of you guys had a person who was like me and did it bother you or did you want them to talk to you? thank you. :D


Well-known member
mabey he's too shy to come up with a response to your smile, you could try aksing him if he wants to go with you somewhere with you

not sure if that helps any but that's what came to my mind

it could break the ice


Well-known member
I think its really sweet for you to want to chat with the shy boy. Sometimes, it's hard for us to respond though even when we really really want to so dont be surprized if it continues to be a bit difficult,,,,but, i think you should keep up what your doing. I knew a student at the school i worked at, who was so shy and could be quite rude even when someone attempted to socialize with him. When he finally broke loose with me, i found him to be such a character. I always wished that someone sweet would come into his life because he so deserved to have a friend. I think your great, but just remember to understand that sometimes our shyness is even more that WE can handle and dont let it hurt your feelings if he isnt responsive. I think the note thing was a great idea. I studder when really in uncomfortable spots, so i would probably be more lickly to write back than try to speak in some situations....Wishen you luck! Love to hear how things turn out......


Well-known member
Hey, Its relaly great that youve taken time out to try to befriend this lad. Next time you sit with him, try just asking him the time or something, then if he's reading ask him if the book is any good. Just talk about his obvious interests, books and music from what youve said. He might not respond in a good way but that isnt down to you, that would be his shyness talking.
I would just keep at it, just dont go over board and bother him too much or he might think your some mad stalker...lol.
Good luck!!! :lol:


Well-known member
actually at my school i can easily spot the ones similar to as i am. surprisingly i think theres a few. for example, there's this really shy girl thats in some of my classes. first of all i couldn't forget on the first day of school. she was standing alone away from every crowd... she had this lost, sad, and lonely look on her face. i felt kinda shy to go up to her. but i had a few of my friends around and im afraid it would seem to weird. anyways one class i changed seats to sit next to her. i tried saying a few things and i feel bad that sometimes she doesnt answer.... but i understood. and also the fact she only answers a yes or no...
well there's my stoorry! :wink:


Well-known member
well i don't even know if somebody in my school or collage is shy like me, because i feel like i'm alone.


New member

Hi Tirta, some of the best advice I ever got was from someone I met at 3 in the morning on a children's playground. See I was in college, but my roommate was holding a party in our dorm room so I went out and wandered around and eventually ended up in a children's playground on a swinging bench thing. While I was swinging a person walked up and asked to sit and talk with me, and when I asked why, she said she had been thinking about sitting at the bench even before she saw me there, and that you should always look for people who are like you in places where you would find yourself. We ended up having a ton of stuff in common and became great friends, so if you are looking for friends, look in places where you would find yourself. And plus, you have all of us on the message boards right? If you ever need to vent or anything, please don't hesitate to send me an email at [email protected] (that goes for anyone, no matter who you are, if you email me, I'll like you.)


Active member
Why not brake the ice by starting a conversation on what u two are familiar with... like books!!!
u can go there ask what he is reading.. share ur opinion.. what reading make u feel... what u r reading.


Active member
I was once like that back in my school years..
the key is to be PERSISTENT with ur approach..

I dont really care with others back then because they seem to wanna be friends with me at first...then they USED me.. make fun of me.. its hard to TRUST others, when experience tells me otherwise.

Just don't expect positive feedback early on, and don't bug him too long.. he is not used to people caring about him.. so he is gonna find it hard to trust you..