I want to live life again.


New member
Hi, I am new to this site. I have been dealing with agoraphobia for the last 7 months and feel completely fed up and aggravated at myself for getting to this point. I am 23 years old and feel like my life is over. I can't go anywhere without flipping out and having a huge panic attack. I feel silly for being scared of leaving my house but no matter how silly I feel it is I can't snap out of it. I even freak out when people come over to my house. I have anxiety even just being at home a lot but nothing as bad as if I were out somewhere. I feel mentally drained from this and just want my life back. I have had anxiety problems since I was 12 but nothing this bad. I just wanted to talk to people who understand because I feel so alone in this because no one around me understands. Thanks for reading my vent and I hope to hear from others who understand :).
Hello there!

Welcome to the forum! I sympathise with you even though my anxiety is much lesser. I do have a few suggestions for you that I believe will help you deal with this situation. Start by implementing positive and loving thoughts to your mind. For example everytime you feel insecure and anxious repeat silently, "I am safe. I am well look after (in case you believe in God). I feel calm and serene. I love meeting new places and new people. I enjoy breathing the fresh air of open spaces and being free to go anywhere it pleases me." Start firstly working within, trying to eliminate the negative thoughts that create your fears and then when you feel ready start taking little walks, perhaps a couple of minutes during the first week, 5 minutes the second and so on and at the same time feeling grateful for all the pleasant sights and experiences this world has to offer to you, perhaps even for the negative ones. I think it is important to be grateful even for those things which you do not find pleasant or good, because we all learn to appreciate even more what is good by experiencing its opposite.

So, start from within and slowly move outwards. Take care! :)


Well-known member
welcome and know you are not alone. there are millions of people on this earth suffering through the same right this minute. being sick of it and wanting your life back is a good place from which to start the road to recovery. good luck.


stuckinlalaland i know right now you feel down on how things are in your life but you have to try not to get so down on stuff.
Give yourself some time and try help yourself. There is many ways to help lower your stress and anxiety levels they dont work over night but they do help in the long run such as, relaxation, meditation, talking to someone about your problems, healthy diet. Thats all i can think of right now but you should look it up.


Well-known member
Welcome stuckinlalaland! Don't give up, you can be better! It's all about understanding yourself, knowing your fears and finding ways to overcome your problems. What Chlo said is true. I knew someone who had agoraphobia and she read books to help herself and stuff like that and it helped her. She's a talented dancer and she can dance in front of a bunch of people and win competitions now! Don't lose hope, believe in yourself. All the possibilities are inside of you.


New member
Thanks for the encouragement everyone. I feel better knowing that others have been or are still going through this. Anxiety is a hard habit to kick but I try and keep from giving up because I know there is a lot to be thankful for. Does anyone have tips on beating this without medicine? I am defiantly going to try eating healthier. I have been taking xanax to help me when I do go out places but I don't want to become addicted to it so I stopped taking it over a week ago.