If you're lonely Start your own panic support group


I did this about 11 years ago when I was housebound. The group, PAS, lasted for about 5 years and I made some pretty good friends.

You need a director, people to send out tips for overcoming agoraphobia, someone to do upkeep with the link (all of the email addys), and a chatroom.

We used to find members by posting about our group on different forums.

The support group was not a part of any forum, but direct emails.

My doc even came to one of our weekly instructional chats to talk and answer questions. Someone can keep logs of all chats and send them to members.

You can start by gathering up people from this forum.

The reason a support group is better than a forum is you will get email every day. You can introduce yourselves and even send pics.

It really helped me a lot!