I'm Moving! Help


On July 29th I'm moving from Florida to New York state. I have to make that long drive and am kind of dreading it. I had severe agoraphobia when I was 17 and didn't leave the house for an entire year. We were moving to Florida when I was 18 and while freaking out in the airport bathroom I finally got on that plane thanks to my mom. I'm 27 now and am doing OKAY. I can go certain places as long as they are around my home...I don't like going far or to places where I know I will have to stay & I can't leave..I don't drive so I ALWAYS have to have someone with me that drives...so I can leave incase I feel an attack coming on. I don't like to be dropped off at places. Now next week I am moving back to NY and have to take that loooong drive. My mother is driving and I know I WILL get through this but just dread the first moments when we are pulling away from my comfort zone (house/my bedroom) and I have my anxiety attacks.

I guess I am just looking for some advice to calm myself when my anxiety flares up and it will. When I have my anxiety at home I usually pace the whole house and do a routine of tapping on the front & back door while counting. Now with me in a car for 1200 miles I can't pace. I do take Lexapro and Seroquel...so I know that will kick in eventually and help me to sleep...but until then...can anyone tell me something I can do to calm myself ? ANY ADVICE would be so appreciated!

I'm rambling now but I hope you can help...heck mention anything, I am willing to try it!

Thank you! -Clare


Well-known member
I was going to suggest counting... have you tried timestables, something difficult like 13 or 17 timestable. It'll help keep your mind busy.


Well-known member
I think you should really use the gas and food breaks to stretch and talk a short walk. Part of the anxiety comes from your muscles tensing up. I know it won't do much, but it will relieve some of the anxiety. And maybe also enjoy the scenery. The US can actually be quite a beautiful place that hardly gets attention since most people focus on the appealing and busy places.
Lots of deep breaths, keep yourself distracted from your anxiety/panic. Take a book with you and read it, ignore other people and cars while driving. You will be ok trust me.


New member
Once you move find a room that you can make as close to possible as a room you had in Florida. This has helped me move from place to place in the past.


If your not driving nor needed for directions, try taking some benzos or sleep aids and sleep the whole drive.


Hello everyone!! Its been a while but I thought I'd come on and say Hello! The long drive for my move, I think, went pretty damn well! I didn't have to drive so 15mins before we left I took some seroquel, but oh my goodness ,those minutes when we were pulling away from the house I had been living in for 10yrs I thought I was going to lose it!! I hate that feeling! MY mother was just as stressed as I was but luckily she was driving so it took her mind off of it. I on the other hand at the beginning was counting, eyes closed with the window down...so I could feel the wind on my face...the seroquel did kick in and I fell asleep for a little bit and ended up getting sunburn on my one arm that was holding up my head! hehe After I woke up it had only been a couple hours...so we still had a whole 20 hrs of driving! I think what helped me the most was 1. all the animals I had in the small KIA with me...1 big dog and 4 cats!! I had to tend to them and keep them calm so that gave me something to do. and 2. I was text messaging with a long distance friend so that also gave me something to do.

We got to NY safe and sound and then I had to deal with seeing family I hadn't seen in years and then sleeping in a place that was unfamiliar! I got anxious ALOT but would just remember to breathe and also I did pace a bit. At the end of the second day and then into the third I had already stopped taking the extra seroquel I was to calm myself down.

Right now I am just dealing with what alot of us are...Lots of family around us during the holidays...wanting us to do things..etc. I always get nervous when I have to answer the job, love life questions and then I get down on myself because I'm not supposed to be where I am at 28yrs old. I then do remind myself of what I do have and that it could be ALOT worse!

So to anyone else that will be going through something similar...YOU WILL GET THROUGH THIS! IT WILL BE OKAY!! I didn't know what I was going to do when I had to move...thank goodness I got through it and when I look back...it wasn't half as bad as I thought it was going to be!!

Goodluck to everyone dealing with this!! Clare
Counting and knocking on doors is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder type ritual behavior. There's a better and more constructive way.

Focus on your internal state. Meditate and get used to calming and centering yourself. Then create a silent trigger for yourself to do so in public when anxiety comes on. Live in the moment and open your heart to positive possibilities. Work on your self-image.

These are things you can do to make progress.

Hope this helps


New member
Something that helps me in these type situations is simply remembering that NO MATTER how bad the anxiety/panic gets...it will not kill me..I will live from it...and life will go on....just like it always has. I've never had to do it..but I keep in mind that I could always lay in the back seat..deep breathe and take a nap. Happy Travels..you'll be fine. We ALWAYS are. :)