I'm such a wimp



I've got a speech tomorrow and i am such a coward, i told my mum that i felt sick and she said that i can stay off!
does anyone else feel like they're constantly dodging these situations or do you just put up with them and suffer?


Well-known member
sometimes i dodge em, sometimes i suffer and somtimes they turn out to be ok. with speechs and presentations i usally stutter or read really slow so i dont mess up. there have been a few times where everything was normal and i did everything fine. its weird cause i cant tell whats gonna happen to me in these type of situations. i feel like im taking some sort of risk when im in these type of situations.


Well-known member
I nearly have a panic attack when I have to speak in public. I can feel my heart beat faster as I'm waiting for it to come up. Then as I walk to the front of the classroom I start shaking, get out of breath, feel nautious, my lip quivers, and I swear someone could almost hear my heart beating. I haven't had to do it in a few years and I'm glad for that. But I know my time will come again. My goal is to get past my phobia of public speaking but that will definitely take time and I'm not sure how to go about desensitization with that. Maybe you should go to class and just get it over with. If you mess up or feel like your anxiety is obvious, just be honest and say the situation makes you nervous. Most people understand.


Well-known member
I've been avoiding presentations all my life. I'm going to have to deal with it for my final year of my degree however, but i think that will be ok. When I'm quite interested in the subject and its very detailed (like the technical stuff I study), it does take a bit of the pressure off somehow.


its also like everyone knows that im really shy so it goes extra quiet!
i absolutely despise these situations and i even feel sick now just talking about them!
i look at other people and even though theyre nervous too, its a normal kind of nervous and they get into it and look so comfortable!
and by the way Angie_05 i wish i could go and get it over with but i am too scared to tell the teacher that im not comfortable in these situations and for some reason i cant look teachers in the eyes, i dont know why but i get really embarassed and dont know what to say!i dont think she likes me either because im not loud like everyone else in my english class.


Well-known member
My english teacher once make a joke about my shyness in front of the whole class. I was so mortified!! So I know how ya feel.

i look at other people and even though theyre nervous too, its a normal kind of nervous and they get into it and look so comfortable!

Yeah...they complain of being nervous but compared to ours its nothing, not that we'd tell them that.

Good luck hanny, whatever happens. I'd suggest giving it a go, but I probably wouldn't myself unless it was a mega important presentation.

How long is it going to be and will you do it alone??


Im sorry to say this but it was today and i stayed off! i just didnt have the courage to do it, and you know what, i couldnt even be bothered with all the symptoms!
i know id be so proud of myself if i had the courage to do it, but i didnt so thats that!
what can you do ey?


Hey hanny, sorry to hear that, if it makes you any better, i would of done the same thing, and even people without social anxiety back out of speeches so dont beat yourself up about it :)


Well-known member
Well, I used to avoid them in early HS years. I would sometimes stay off when I was to present. During my junior year, I became a little more relaxed. In a way, maybe I liked them because I recieved some attention. Everyone would listen intently when it was my turn- because they never heard me talk! I am okay at them, but get nervous. My voice is soo soft, though, so I have to work hard to be heard. People all knew that I was quiet in HS and respected it/was used to it. I would just focus on one person (usually the teacher) seated in the back of the room).

However, in college, where I knew no one in my class and they don't know about my extreme shyness.. I got a little afraid. I woke up one morning for my presentation and poured me some 99 bananas. All was fine. I went to present and it began to hit me. I was able to speak loudly and was confident of cours. Then, when it was over, I walked back to my aprtmnt. As I was leaving the building, I fell down the stairs and broke my roommate's glass bowl that I had brought fruit in (it was for the presentation). It was an embarrassing fall, but luckily no one saw me. If they did, I could have gotten in trouble if they knew I was drinking. On my walk back to the aptmnt, I noticed that I cu my hands on the glass. I got back, threw up on my bedroom floor and again in the bathroom.

I don't know why I drink.. I usually do okay in reports, but I was nervous about that one.


Well-known member
In a way, maybe I liked them because I recieved some attention. Everyone would listen intently when it was my turn- because they never heard me talk!

This is true for me, its nice to be able to say pretty much anything about a particular subject and get your opinions heard. Shame the nerves mess it up thogh. :roll: