Incidenced and TESTING


New member
EDIT: Coincidences and TESTING, english is not my mother tongue :)

Hello, im so stressed up about this ocd thing right now.. I've been having this for 5 and a half years and the only thing really keeps me suffering from this disease is that i've experienced so many coincidences.

I have the kind of OCD that I'm afraid that something terrible happens if i do or don't do something that comes to my head. I've read that some of you guys have that too.. but like i said previously, im having so much coincidences. But they are not like if Im supposed to do something and a i hear from telly the same thing that i was thinking about just one second ago and that would be a sign for me from god or something... It's more like im testing for example like this: OCD tells me to erase and redo my homework or my family dies and i think that should i redo my homework. Then i like to test like if this threat was real and i for example think like this: If the next car which goes by our house is green, my family really dies if I don't redo my homework.

And the problem is that i've had too much of these tests right. I know it can have something to do with intuition and things like that because usually those test need intuition.. its hard to explain, but if someone is having the same kind of problem, i think he/she knows what im talking about :) So if you have anything like this, please share it here
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