Ionto first weeks of usage report


Well-known member
Hi! First real post here today but I have been reading this forum section on and off for years as a HH-sufferer looking for ways to control the sweating. So first off all I would like to thank all of you people who share your experiences and best practices. It feels better knowing that I am not the only one with this condition.

Anyway, I registered in order to write a post about iontophoresis and hopefully this can help others as well that haven't tried it yet.

I got a Hidrex PS500 3 weeks ago and immediately started treatments of my hands and feet. 2 weeks later the sweating was more or less gone, even in the most stressful situations. Now I am doing maintenance treatment to find out how often I need to do the treatment - the less the better.

The time it takes for the treatment work may vary as far as I understand, but it seems like it will work for most people in the end. At first when reading that the companies selling these devices claim that the success rate is above 80% I thought that it was just marketing BS, but now I actually believe it.

My advise to fellow HH-sufferers is to try ionto if you haven't done so already. I bought my device from a company offering a money back guarantee if it didn't work. Not much to lose really, and when googling I found at least 3 companies offering guarantees like this (companies in the UK, Germany and Italy if I recall correctly).


Well-known member
Thanks for the review. I'm glad it is working for you. I might try this treatment next. Just wish the machines were not so expensive.


Well-known member
Yes, unfortunately it is expensive and this is the reason I didn't try this sooner. But if I'd known before that it would work I would have bought a device 10 years ago.

I tried medication similar to Avert and Robinul for 4 years but I stopped due to the side-effects. It did limit the sweating but I felt tired etc.

Ionto is so much better, and the only side-effect I know of is too dry hands or feet (and I think I can live with that).


Well-known member
How long can you go in between treatments before the sweating returns? Have you tested that out?


Well-known member
Some people can go weeks in between sessions, others days. I have been doing ionto for about 6 years now and I have found that the best maintenance treatment for me is between 9-10 days.


Well-known member
I haven't tested yet how long I can go in between treatments. Did treatments ever day for 3 weeks, now I am doing treatments every two days. If the sweating does not return for two weeks I will try doing treatments every third day for two weeks, and so on. I will report back progress.

@Sprawling: 9-10 days sounds really good. Does the sweating return in the end of this period? I would be happy if I can do only 1 treatment per week - but I will have to wait and see.


Well-known member
The idea is to do your treatments before the sweating returns. After lots of experimentation, I discovered that 9-10 days between treatments work fine for me. If I was to wait 14 days or more, I'd have to do at least 3 maintenance treatments in a span of 3 days to get back on track.

During the heat of the summer I'll modify my treatment schedule a tad to counter act increased sweating.