Iontophoresis and fingertips


Well-known member
I have been using the Idrostar device with success for the last month or so. My palms are about 90% dry but the real problem is the fingertips which are still quite bad.
Can anyone who has achieved dry fingertips please post their schedule? What works for you?


Well-known member
Have you tried doing 5-6 treatments over 5-6 consecutive days? What about domadis schedule of 5-6 treatments over two days? I seem to recall you saying that you had never done multiple treatments on the same day.

How long have you been using iontophoresis? Have you been successful in controlling your HH? What do you mean that overtreating made things worse?
My post seems to be a string of questions- its just that iontophoresis( while being great so far) is all a bit uncertain. Any input is greatly appreciated.