Is hyperhidrosis a progressive disorder??


Well-known member
Hello, I'm new to this forum but I've been on the etsandreversals forum previously. I'm from Orange, California and I can relate to everything you guys talk about. Although I don't consider my condition to be severe it still affects me. I am 21 years old and didn't start to notice HH until after high school probably around the age of 18. It got worse up until now but not a whole lot worse. I am wondering if hyperhidrosis is just a consequence of anxiety, but then I realize I wouldnt' have anxiety if I wasn't worried about sweating. I am also wondering if this is something that gets worse as you get older or does it improve?
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Well-known member
dude.. i would explore alternative medicine before you do any kind of surgery.
I used to have heavy sweating. Now I don't. So what did I do to fix it.

According to eastern thought, excess sweating happens when there is too much of heat in the body

Now excessive sweating in social conditions is embarassing.

This happens when there is social pressure that you find difficult to handle.

Now social pressure is a form of tension. Nervous Tension is a form of heat.

so when you heat up, the body tries to cool you down. Hence the sweating.

so in other words

social pressure ----> nervous tension ---> heat ----> sweating

There are 2 things you need to do.

1. Calm your Nervous system: you can use Meditation & Yoga for this.

2. Cool your body : eat lots of cucumbers, buttermilk, watermelons etc

do this for a couple of weeks and see if you see any changes. I would highly recommend doing yoga as it bring you back to your normal self over a period of time..


Well-known member
I've had HH for about 10 years. I wouldn't say it is progressive. I think it kinda fluctuates. Sometimes its worse, sometimes it's better.

From reading your post, it seems like you have a mild case of HH. If this is the case, I would not recommend ETS surgery. That is to be used as a last resort for severe cases. Research this forum and see what people say about all the other solutions.


Well-known member
Hahaha, well it certainly got worse for me when I got in high school...

No, I wouldn't say it gets progressively worse. It's shitty all-around -- chances are you'll sweat just as bad if you went to a dance tonight then it would five years later.

like you said with the tennis and video games thing, though, maybe it's all a state of mind, and if you're totally calm, well...who knows.
Don't jump right into surgery, there are plenty of natural options you can try first. Here are a few:

1. Sage Tea
Step 1: Get some sage leaves or dried sage

Step 2: Boil some water

Step 3: Steep 1 tablespoon of leaves or 1 teaspoon of dried sage in the water for no longer than 10 minutes (any longer and toxins may be released from the leaves).

Step 4: Add a lemon slice and drink this throughout the day.

2. Water
Drink more of it! Cold water that is, it helps in regulating your body temperature which is what your body is trying to do as it is by sweating.

3. Coffee
Cutting back on coffee can help as it is loaded with sugar and caffeine, two things which increase anxiety and thus increase sweating

There are plenty more natural treatments you can try just search around the net, surgery should be last on your list of things to try, don't even consider it unless you've given everything else a fair go!



i understand where he is coming from on the fact of not wanting to have to do these remedies the rest of his life...i was in the same mind set before.