is this romantic or creepy?


Well-known member
Hey my bf and i couldn't hang out today but i was gonna swing by and leave valentine stuff on his car. This is so he could wake up and see it tomorrow and then i'll give him more stuff tomorrow. My mom said it was a waste of time so i'm confused? What do you think? :/


Well-known member
I think it's a nice gesture. If he can't appreciate it, and makes you feel like you've wasted your time, then he's probably not worth your time in the first place!


Well-known member
Thanks everyone you gave me the courage to do it! Lol soon after i put it on his car i sent a text to go get it because it's snowing hard all the sudden... :p


Well-known member
Sounds nice. Though I think that such gestures are worth more on random days when they are unexpected. Still, better than no gesture.