It worked!!


Well-known member
wow! i had social phobia for 8 years! finally today, i met a girl up and in my head i had these new thoughts, i asked myself: ''is it worth it? is the gain worth the rejection? and i imagined the gain, the excitement i would have being around this girl!'' and boom! i asked her number! and my social phobia is over!!!!!!! TRY OUT! I GARANTEE IT WILL WORK! this is a new technique my therapist is working on from university! its so simple, its dumbfounding!!!!


Well-known member
maybe you were just shy for eight years! I have a crush on guy for like eight months. and everyday is a struggle to even say "how are you?" its hard and its gets harder every day.


Well-known member
mark K. said:
wow! i had social phobia for 8 years! finally today, i met a girl up and in my head i had these new thoughts, i asked myself: ''is it worth it? is the gain worth the rejection? and i imagined the gain, the excitement i would have being around this girl!'' and boom! i asked her number! and my social phobia is over!!!!!!! TRY OUT! I GARANTEE IT WILL WORK! this is a new technique my therapist is working on from university! its so simple, its dumbfounding!!!!
I have serious doubts about this. It would be great if it was that simple. It would also be well known among therapists. Sounds more like a great step to conquering bad shyness.


Well-known member
gettingthere is right !! i dought that u have SA, it would be so awsome if it were that simple, but its not, i have a GF, and since i have been with her, i somewhat feel more anxious, cuz now i feel the responsibility and pressure on doing the things that are hard 4 me 2 do, like go to dinner, the movies, meet her friends and parents, so i really think u were just shy and not an SA'er. but its still awsome to meet someone new that changes out life and makes u happier(like i am). !!!!!AND I DONT THINK U HAVE SA!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
I agree. If your social phobia is not completely, 100% gone just because you asked out a girl and she said yes, then it doesn't sound like a particularly big phobia. I mean, for a lot of us SA people, "simple" things like making conversation and therefore making any sort of freindships is real hard all the time, every minute of every day. I don't see how just saying "is it worth it" is suddenly going to transform us into great conversationalists.

Also, I don't see how whilst sitting on a crowded train feeling that everyone is watching you, or whilst in a crowded party with no-one to talk to and no idea how to talk to people and feeling unbearably anxious, just saying "is it worth it" is going to help.

Your exmaple had an obvious reward for an obvious question....think of the fun you could have with this girl if only you could ask her out. Like LA23 says, that would only be the first hurdle in a 100 mile race course to truly getting over SA.

But hey dude, good on ya, go give her one :) .


Well-known member
Hi mark K

I know what you mean! Love is fantastic and so powerful. I remember when I met Claudia, the only girlfriend I ever had, the passion outweighed the fear so much that I just stopped caring what other people thought of me. Criticism’s just bounced off me like water off a ducks back. I was so happy man.
I really hope it goes well for you and this girl. Good luck mate.


Well-known member
aah, well, I met her in Italy on this exchange trip in college and I guess it was just the long distance relationship that caused things to fade.

Aaah man, but she was the coolest chick in the world! We still write occasionally. It was just soppy teenage infatuation type love but it was still fantastic!


Well-known member
dont put this guy down and tell him the last 8 years has been false. I doubt that your SA is gone totaly, mate, but if it has good on ya.
i have a bf, who i ran down the drive and kissed before i had ever spoken to him. i still have bad sa, but occaisonally i have 'clear' moments in which i am way more confident, they odnt last long but they do happen.
Its like if you suffer from depresion, just because you have one good day it does not mean you were just very sad for the last few years of your life.


Well-known member
C'mon. don't put the dude down.
Hey man , I look up to you.

Know im considering to do the same :)

But all I need to do is actually go out and see girl :(

( So nerdgirl , have you spoken to this guy from work yet ? )


Active member
This chick in my college i quite like..

She speaks to me all the time, and i struggle to say hi to her for fucks sake

I've had my eyes on her for like a year now, and theres only 1 week of the college course left. The next 'level' of the course im doing doesnt start until like the end of september, i really hope she comes back to do this course along with the rest of the students in my class, i wanna chat with them and shit, hang out with them at weekends and shit more, its just so fucking hard though, hopefully my SA has gotten a little bit better by then.


Well-known member
I can't see how SA could just go away. I understand the theory behind the therapy technique. Supposedly if you put yourself in the most frightning situation imaginable you'll realise that you can survive it and if you can survive that you can survive anything. But it doesn't just stop SA. I suspect you still suffer from SA. You probably just feel so good because you took such a huge step.

But whatever the case, you took a huge step and that you should be proud of. Good luck.