It's back

I don't understand people who say challenging this is the way to beat it. If I challenge it it only gets worse. The only way I have been able to beat it, for any length of time (I of course also push myself out of the house) is to accept it. My mind needs control. If I give it to 'her', she stops the tantrums after a while. I had it pretty much licked with this method.

But, it's come back. It always did when I started a new challenge -- I guess I feel better so I'm challenging myself even more, so time for PANIC. "Not control in such big new challenges" mind says. Ugh. Gonna miss something good -- AGAIN.


Well-known member
To me, the only way to beat something is to change or rewrite your mind about how deal with the disorders. Forcing to change something will never work, it needs to be a natural change, which is the hardest thing to do.


Well-known member
From what I understand-- it takes a change in habits; a change in thought pattern and desensitization to being outside of your comfort zone.

Then again; it's hard.
I can't remember what it was that allowed me to 'beat' my agoraphobia back in highschool after 3 years... but whatever it was, I have a feeling I'll need a whole new technique now as an adult before I'm able to leave my room without panicking.
I also believe it'll be with me forever.
I had it before and it came back; and it'll probably come back again and again until I die.


New member
I have to disagree with your idea that your mind needs control. anybody with anxiety has control issues and feels the need to be in control, i was alot like this, so therefore this will be a big part of why you feel this way because in your safe place you are in control. what you need to start doing imo is accept that you cant always be in control and slowly but surely start exposing yourself to situations where you have no control over what will happen then start to push your limits. please try this and see the results. remember a little bit at a time.
I don't understand people who say challenging this is the way to beat it. If I challenge it it only gets worse. The only way I have been able to beat it, for any length of time (I of course also push myself out of the house) is to accept it. My mind needs control. If I give it to 'her', she stops the tantrums after a while. I had it pretty much licked with this method.

But, it's come back. It always did when I started a new challenge -- I guess I feel better so I'm challenging myself even more, so time for PANIC. "Not control in such big new challenges" mind says. Ugh. Gonna miss something good -- AGAIN.

Not quite sure what you understand by "challenge". What do you do to challenge it?


Well-known member
I'm not sure about beating it at all.

It's not original, but I've decided to run this entire anxiety/phobia thing as a hobby.

When I've got the time and the inclination I will do something about it. Some days it won't be much, other days it will be quite a lot, but I will not allow thinking about it or working on it become an all consuming passion.