Living in Japan for a couple of months.


Well-known member
Can anyone tell me that lives or has lived in Japan what it's like.. The people, The cost, the food.. anything.. what's it like to live there and how different is it to any other place? Whats somethings you find interesting about it that no where else in the world has.. What's it like to be a foreigner there? Do the men like foreign women.. would they be interested at all? ^-^ Thanks!


Well-known member
It's... expensive.

I could suggest you check out some blogs or forums filled with foreigners who live in Japan or teach there occupationally.
It could be very useful!

I've known several people from Canada who've gone to Japan for education- in exchange programs and a few who moved there for company work. They all have different things to say about it but I think the general consensus is: it is a great experience. As it would be to move away to another country to experience the people, culture and language firsthand.
oh--- and food.

One thing I've heard is that Canadians smell like curdled milk when they're fresh off the plane.