Losing my marbles


Here's one for you all. Since my phobia took over my life about 6 years ago I feel I've been losing my marbles. I'm 29 now surely I shouldn't be losing it already... or should I? 8O

What I mean is I find I forget things very easily, my mind drifts away during conversation, things that used to make sense no longer do and I find myself going about things in ways that I know never used to be logical to me. I know I have difficulty responding in social conversations but jokes or images that I would have expected to pop in to my head years back, no longer do given a similar cue.

That probably makes little sense. All I am trying to say is that I think my mind is ageing too quickly! :x

Has anyone else experienced this? I'm kind of expecting this to be the result of various medications I've been on over the past 6 years... Paroxetine, Prozac, Atenolol... or am I just getting old? :oops:

Edit: Spelling


Well-known member
i know what you mean,iam only 23.When iam having a conversation with someone 2mins later i find i have totlay forgotton what it was all about and what a said,it takes me a bit of thinking to go throught it all in my head to remeber.I have never been on medication (well not legaly :D ) so not sure if your meds have anything to do with it maybe someone lese will shed more light on that side of things.


I understand where you are coming from. I am 32, and have had social phobia since the age of 13. My thoughts are preoccupied with how others are perceiving me, and how I am presenting myself, and therefore find it extremely difficult to concentrate on other things.

I believe learning to somehow control these thoughts may be a step in the right direction, but I am by no means a professional on the topic. I will be starting CBT soon, and I will post to let everyone know the techniques I learn.


Well-known member
Thats just stress messing with your concentration. I'll bet that your memory is much better on good days when you have a "clear" head.
'Tis a nasty thing stress.


Well-known member
dude - Ive got it exactly the same.... it affects my ability to write, remember simple facts and concentrate on anything.

I used to be an A+ student at school and now I make stupid mistakes I wouldntve made when I was 8 years old

maybe its the medication, maybe its the SP, maybe Im just a loser


Active member
I know how you all feel.I have probs with remembering things all the time,but I've taken to storing important dates of events in my mobile and stopped beating myself up about it.I bet lots of people without SA have memory probs,but don't dwell on it like we do.It is true that stess anxiety and depression can all affect our memory and concentration,but a lot of the time it can be ragained as these things subside.I just realised that I was a little depressed probably for years without really noticing it (didn't think that it would be possible to have it without noticing!) and I also had one or two episodes of bad depression,but I think I've come out the other side now. :D


Well-known member
haha, im 15 and i have memory problems like you all up there..doing wierd stuff or whatever. I have an excellent long term memory..sort of. i remember tiny details but cant remember large things..
like i can remember going on holiday to the isle of wight when i was..7ish. I remember the place we had breakfast had 5 slices of toast and three pots of butter on the table. i cant for the life of me remember what my room, the hotel or the surrounding area looked like.
but recent stuff i just cant do, i forget everyhting and anything, or do stuff like masterpiece2 said (worldwideweb) although ive never actually done that certain thing..
my worst thing is lack of speech, like i forget all the words..one time i was telling my brother he need to walk the dog and i was like "simon you need to..er..er..you know when you..*waves hands around* move your legs..kind a fast..but not too fast?" "you meanwalk?" "thats it you need to.err..walk..the..o god..the erm..the thng that barks..*sticks out tongue and pants*..its kinda furry..and..err..black..and o for god sake..the THING." :oops:


Well-known member
Wow Fredscarecrow you pretty much explained the way i am too, except me being male and 16 :p also im starting to think i dont even have a short term memory :?


Well-known member
i think im losing my mind too...but in a very much different way. 8O im scared to type this...your all going to think im insane :oops: . anyway..*takes deep breath* i like to sit on the floor in my room when i need to be alone (which is alot of the time) and i listen to music. sometimes ill find myself rocking backwards and forwards just staring into nothing. once i was doing it and i found it had been about 40 mins. i think its a little bit like sleeping while your awake. i cant control it sometimes. my mind goes blank...im not actually thinking about anything or looking at anything. im just there...breathing...and rocking back and forth with the faint sound of my music in the background. please someone tell me if they do the same thing...i need to know if thats normal...man im an idiot. :x :(


Well-known member
If i didnt play video games when im bored i bet i would be listening to music stareing into space(spacing-out). I would be worried if i rocked back and forth with no music/sounds in the room. Then again, what do i know? :eek:


Well-known member
i dont really remember...cause its almost like a dream when i do it. but i have done it a couple of times without music...but that was when i was really upset about something...because i dont cry when people are meant to cry. so i rock backwards and forwards instead... :?