lost interest in appearence


Well-known member
I have lost total interest in the way that i look. I figure whats the point in looking good, when women don't care, why should i

I havebasically just not worried about how i look, my hair i am growing so long and not going to cut it, the only things that i am doing is basic stuff like brushing teeth and taking baths, because nobody cares what i look like, and apparently spending 2 hours or 2 seconds in the bathroom makes no difference


Well-known member
no, but its proven that the more interest you take in your appearance the better you feel about yourself. if you dont take any care, youll feel like a slob and useless and therefore you will become a slob and useless.


Well-known member
hey dude, I am the same

I am so ugly that no amount of pampering or effort makes a difference. I used to spend a lot of time and money trying to improve my appearance. Buying pimple cream, expensive deoderants, getting regular stylish haircuts, spending lots of money trying to get nice clothes, spend ages in the bathroom making my hair look right - and it didnt make a bloody difference cause I was too ugly anyway

now I spend next to nothing on any of that. No pimple cream, cheap deoderant just so I dont smell, havent had my hair cut for a year, only spend about $20 a year on clothes, wear the same clothes I wore last year, just black trackpants and blacktshirts usually as thats pretty much all I own! And I never look at myself in the mirror anymore

and guess what - even though I spend a fraction of the money and time on my appearance as I used to... I still have EXACTLY the same amount of interest from girls..... ZERO!!!!


Well-known member
Do you not do it just for you?. I mean, i like to make sure i'm neat and tidy even if I don't go anywhere. It makes me feel better to be freshly showered and smelling nice. It feels nice just to wear something nice, do your hair and stuff. Saying that though I have had times where I couldn't be bothered but I forced myself and felt much better for it.


Well-known member
I'm phobic about my appearance...I can't leave the house unless I'm wearing the latest swag. I'm always working out and whitening my teeth just so I can feel normal...it never makes me feel normal, though. Some days I do feel okay with my appearance...but for the most part I still feel like a freak and no matter what I still struggle socially.


Well-known member
i agree with lilmiss and dedication. im like that. if i say dont shower cos im exhausted (i have little to no energy) then i feel awful and alot worse of. if i have a shower, lok aftermy face, pluck my eyebrows, wear nice clothes that are clean, make myself smell nkice and whatever, i have some confidence about myself. i cant leave the housed without looking decent. My hair has to be perfect, my makeup on, i cannot have greasy hair and i have to be wearing relatively clean clothes that suit my 'image'
if you take care with how you look, you will feel better about yourself. it wont get rid of your sp, it might not make you more confident, but its not going to make you hate yourself anymore.


Well-known member
yeah, i'm with fredscarecrow who is with everyone else :wink: i can't can't CANNOT deal with greasy hair. i hate washing it everyday cuz that means i have to dry it and straighten it but if i don't i feel like i look like shit. if i don't like what i'm wearing, my whole day is off.


Well-known member
Dont ever dress to impress the opposite sex, only do it to make you feel good. Lifesnotfair, do you not care any more to make a point/stand? ... or have you simply stopped obbessing over making yourself look good just to attract a partner?

I'm with echo and fred, I'd have to be dragged kicking and screaming out of my flat without clean hair and eyeliner etc :D