Moving to a new place


Well-known member

I just got a job in a small town up north. I am planning on moving there in a few weeks. I was wondering if any of you have had any experience moving to a new place and trying to make new friends. With SP it is extra difficult. I don't want to be isolated in a small town.


Well-known member
I have moved a few times and i never had to seek friendship, there were lots of people who TRIED to befriend me - so i can't tell you how to actively seek friends but i can say that if people show interest in you reciprocate it - be an active part of any blossoming relationship.


Well-known member
I didn't actually moved but I switched schools which is about 45 minutes away from where I live and I knew nobody there.
With SP it is extra difficult
That is definitely true.
In a smaller town, people might be more outgoing and friendly (I've noticed that about small towns). Anyhow, I wish you the best with your job and the move.


Well-known member
I moved around a lot in my high school years and it was just about impossible for me to make friends. I just didn't know how. The only people I got remotely close to were those who came to me first. I still don't really know how to make new friends so even though I don't really have any real friends now, if I were to move now I'd have absolutely no one. I'm sure your moving would be difficult but if you are willing to make an effort to meet new people you should be ok, especially in a small town.


Well-known member
I've just moved aswell, about 3 weeks now. The fact that it is an island in the caribbean makes it a bit easier to take. But on the side of making friends I am going backwards. A old friend of mine has some jungle land here and has offered it to me to clear it so he can start building a house next year. So for the next few months I get to live in on the land, (only 6000sq. ft). No running water or electricity but there is a river near by. I am excited about the challenge. My hope is that I will be busy enough to take my mind off my SA. I enjoy my seclusion but my ex girlfriend of 3 years worried that I would hide away when I got here. She was right but I figure it is only temporary and it 's pretty close to a town. I reckon it will be fun. I'll let you know how I get on.


Well-known member
I moved back to my home town area after a 35 year absence. It's in Western NY, which I guess is up north. What can I say? I'm a SPic and not only find it hard to make new friends, but I find it very hard to connect with my old friends. I've been away a long time. People I knew have gone their own way. Being away from this area has changed me a interests differ from what most people around here enjoy.

All I can suggest is watch ( lurk) for a while and see how people interact. It can be like moving to a foreign country where the entire culture is different than what you are accustomed to. After a while, dive in gently.