My experience - Avert/Facial HH


New member
30 yo, experienced axillary HH since 14, facial HH for the past 5 years. I can say that axillary is no big deal compared to facial - it's gotten brutal over the past year.

I may have found my cure in Avert and this:

Neat Face Saver - Antiperspirant - Toiletries - Neat Feat

The face saver stuff is great - smells good & you can feel it just slightly on your forehead (good psychologically & it's definitely creating a barrier). I've found that 4 mg of Avert two hours before I wake up for breakfast with another 2 mg kicker in the afternoon has made my HH a non factor. My eyes/hands/sinuses also get dry & my throat gets a little sore & I feel the urge to drink water constantly (not necessarily a bad thing). I'll try to update this as time passes, hope this is helpful.